Izrezovanje slušalk Bluetooth (REŠENO)
Slušalke Bluetooth so ključnega pomena za izboljšanje naše izkušnje poslušanja glasbe, saj se borijo proti neredu po kablih in so priročne za uporabo. Vendar pa je izrez slušalk lahko precej moteč, ko poslušate svojo najljubšo glasbo. Nadaljujte z branjem, kaj povzroča to težavo in kako jih odpraviti.
Zakaj so slušalke Bluetooth ukinjene?
1. Preobremenjene frekvence
Bluetooth deluje na 2,4 GHz ISM pasu. Ni reguliran, zato proizvajalci ne potrebujejo licence za upravljanje naprav na njem. Če želite izvedeti več, si oglejte naš članek o tehnologiji Bluetooth in njeni zgodovini.
Zaradi tega so frekvence privlačne za proizvajalce, kar vodi do povečane uporabe in preobremenitve frekvenc na številnih lokacijah. Spremenite svojo lokacijo in preverite, ali to odpravlja težavo.
2. Signala Motnje in oviranje
Med napravami, ki delujejo v istem omrežju, pogosto pride do preslušavanja. To negativno vpliva na to, kako slušalke sprejemajo podatke, in nato vodi do prekinitev povezave in preskakov zvoka med poslušanjem glasbe.
To težavo s povezljivostjo lahko povzročijo tudi medsebojne motnje. Če uporabljate desni ušesni čep in je mobilni telefon v levem žepu, signali ne morejo potovati z lahkoto.
Signali Bluetooth skoraj ne potujejo skozi vodo. Ne pozabite, da je človeško telo približno 70 % sestavljeno iz vode.
Poleg tega signali ne morejo potovati skozi fizične predmete. Do te težave lahko pride, ker so med slušalkami in virom zvoka kovine, kosi blokov ali druge ovire.
3. Težave s povezljivostjo pri pretakanju
Če pretakate svojo glasbo, lahko kakovost interneta povzroči zatikanje zvoka.
Ob predpostavki, da je vaša povezava počasna in zaostaja, vaše aplikacije za predvajanje ne morejo vnaprej naložiti zvočnega datuma, ki je potreben za nemoteno predvajanje.
To vedno povzroči neprekinjeno medpomnjenje, ki je pogosto odgovorno za zatikanja zvoka.
4. Prazna baterija v slušalki
Kot katera koli druga naprava tudi vaše naprave Bluetooth potrebujejo ustrezno napajanje za učinkovito delovanje.
Če ni dobro napolnjena, boste morda začeli opažati zatikanja zvoka, če se baterija bolj izprazni. To je pogost vzrok za zatikanje zvoka v slušalkah.
5. Težave z nezdružljivostjo
Lahko naletite na težave, če poskušate združiti Bluetooth različice 4 in novejšo z napravami Bluetooth 2 ali 3. Pogosto sta nezdružljiva.
Nekatere slušalke tudi niso združljive z določenimi napravami. Če slušalke Bluetooth niso združljive z vašim mobilnim telefonom ali računalnikom, lahko med uporabo pride do okvare. Tudi če ne, lahko dobite zvok nizke kakovosti.
Enako izkušnjo lahko imate, če uporabljate neustrezne zvočne kodeke Bluetooth. Veliko ljudi uporablja zvočne kodeke za stiskanje zvočnih podatkov na zahtevano velikost. Če oddajna in sprejemna naprava ne podpirata istih kodekov, pride do izklopa slušalk.
Druga pogosta težava je, ko ljudje poskušajo predvajati glasbo prek svojih zvočnikov, hkrati pa uporabljajo slušalke.
6. Prevelik obseg
Dlje ko je vir zvoka od vas, šibkejša je povezava Bluetooth. Nekatere storitve Bluetooth imajo krajši doseg povezave kot druge. Samo prisluškovalne naprave z dolgim dosegom imajo izjemno velik doseg.
7. Okvara slušalke
To težavo lahko povzroči okvarjen par slušalk. Če želite biti prepričani, ali je to težava, jih povežite z različnimi zvočnimi viri.
V nekaterih primerih boste ugotovili, da gre za težave s povezljivostjo. Pri drugih je to okvara slušalk.
Enako se lahko zgodi, če so vaše slušalke prestare in jih je treba zamenjati.
8. Teče preveč aplikacij
Preveč zagnanih aplikacij je pogosto težava pri pretakanju glasbe. Nekatere aplikacije se morda poskušajo združiti z napravo in jo motijo. Druge aplikacije morda tudi zasedajo pomnilnik vašega telefona.
Kako odpraviti pogoste težave z zatikanjem zvoka Bluetooth
Preden naredite kar koli drugega, se prepričajte, da ste opravili osnovno odpravljanje težav. Kot smo videli, obstaja več vzrokov za težave z zvokom Bluetooth.
Tukaj je opisano, kaj morate storiti, da odpravite pogoste težave z izklopom zvoka, opisane zgoraj.
1. Preverite učinkovitost svoje baterije in polnilnika
Kot smo rekli, je to ena najpogostejših težav. Če želite to popraviti, zagotovite, da je baterija popolnoma napolnjena. Po potrebi pojdite po novo baterijo.
Če imate novo baterijo in je dobro napolnjena, pojdite na naslednji korak.
2. Ohranite najboljši doseg signala
Spoznajte svoj doseg signala in ga vzdržujte. Če vaša naprava Bluetooth spada v razred 1, mora biti razdalja med vami in virom zvoka od 40 do 100 metrov. Za razred 2 je to 15 do 30 metrov. Razpon tretjega razreda je od 5 do 10 metrov.
Slušalke Bluetooth in večina mobilnih naprav običajno spadajo v zadnji dve kategoriji.
Zdaj morate vzdrževati ustrezen razpon med vami in zvočnim virom, ne glede na vrsto naprav, ki jih imate.
Če potrebujete dodatno pomoč, obiščite spletno mesto proizvajalca ali preberite uporabniški priročnik.
Ne pozabite, če med virom in poslušalcem ni fizičnega predmeta, vam bodo slušalke Bluetooth dobro služile, če vzdržujete doseg približno 10 metrov.
Torej, če so slušalke blizu naprave, nadaljujte z odpravljanjem težav.
Pojdite na naslednji korak.
3. Odpravite motnje med telesimi
Če sumite, da vaše telo omejuje zmožnost radijskih valov Bluetooth, da bi prosto potovali, spreminjajte položaj telefona, dokler se kakovost zvoka ne izboljša.
Najboljša rešitev bi lahko bila, da slušalko namestite na isto stran telesa. S tem preprečite, da bi se vaše telo vmešavalo.
4. Držite se stran od mest z visoko porabo WiFi
Ker tehnologija WiFi deluje na istih valovnih dolžinah kot tehnologija Bluetooth, je edini način, da preprečite, da bi drug drugemu zamašili poti prenosa podatkov, uporaba slušalk na območjih z nizko porabo WiFi.
Odstranite tudi vse nepotrebne povezave Bluetooth in druge naprave držite stran od slušalk. To pomaga preprečiti preobremenitev frekvenc in motnje signala.
5. Ponastavite funkcijo Bluetooth
Izvedite mehko ponastavitev tako, da za nekaj minut vklopite in izklopite funkcijo Bluetooth ter jo nato ponovno vklopite. To bi moralo pomagati pri reševanju težav pri seznanjanju, zlasti če je izvorna naprava seznanjena s številnimi zunanjimi napravami.
Druga možnost je, da odprete nastavitve Bluetooth in pod možnostmi naprave izberete »Pozabi«.
6. Posodobite vdelano programsko opremo
Znano je, da spremembe vdelane programske opreme sprožijo neujemanja, ki motijo radijske valove Bluetooth. Če ste napravo kupili prek spleta, spremljajte svojo e-pošto.
Z drugimi besedami, najverjetneje boste prejeli informacije o najnovejših posodobitvah programske opreme. Lahko pa obiščete uradni e-poštni naslov proizvajalca ali se pogovorite z njihovo podporo strankam.
7. Zgrabite najnovejše slušalke ali popravite
Stare slušalke morda niso združljive z vašim avdio sistemom. Or, you could be having a low-quality or defective device.
Be sure you look for original features to replace defective and old ones. In any case, there are many good Bluetooth headphones out there.
If you can, go ahead and secure a new headphone. Use this opportunity to choose headphones that offer more than affordability and good design. Among other things, ensure you consider connectivity range and Bluetooth codecs.
The newest devices are compatible with at least Bluetooth 5.0. Some modern headphones may not pair seamlessly with very old laptops, tablets, and mobile phones.
So, before buying any device, check the supported Bluetooth versions and be sure they’re compatible with each other.
As you can see, grabbing the latest headphones could help you fix the audio problem without focusing on too many underlying issues.
8. Close Background Apps or Software
The best way to stop apps or software running in the background from accessing the Bluetooth function is to limit the number that can run simultaneously.
If your device can’t allow you to do this, shut down all apps you don’t need, and see if that solves it. Also, be careful with things like headphone bass boost unless you know what you’re doing.
9. Adjust Audio Codec
Go to the Bluetooth settings for your device and choose settings next to the headphone in question.
See whether your headphone offers HD Audio or other similar codecs. Switch them on and off. Try to see if you can find the most suitable.
10. Deselect Hands-Free Mode in Windows
If you’re using a personal computer, consider whether the headphones have two entries in the Windows settings.
Some have an entry for stereo music and one for phone calls. Go to the bottom right corner and click the speaker icon. After that, select the audio source along the top and choose ‘headphones.’
11. Ensure You Have Stable Internet Connectivity
If you’re streaming music online, the problem could be with your internet connectivity. Remove physical objects between the WiFi router and the audio source.
You should also check your power supply and the quality of your cables. Also, ensure the nearby devices don’t cause signal interferences, as we saw in a different case above.
You can consider getting a better quality internet service.
12. Reset Bluetooth Headphones
This is the perfect way of solving a myriad of connectivity and pairing problems. You better use it as a matter of last resort.
If you can’t make out the cause of the problem, reset the device by following the procedure below.
- Turn headphones off
- Press and hold the power button for approximately ten seconds
- A blue light will flash about four times
Once the light flashes, your pairing information has been deleted. It has also likely fixed other technical errors.
If you’re using an Android phone, go ahead and clear the cache. This eliminates memory issues that could be interfering with the connection.
Note that you can’t reset some headphones this way. Your owner manual can help in case you’re in doubt.
Bluetooth Headphones Stuttering Windows 10
If your Bluetooth headphones are stuttering on Windows 10, here’s what you need to do:
- First, you need to ensure Your drivers are up to date
- Make sure that your drivers are up to date. To do this, you can go into “Device Manager” and uninstall the device’s driver.
- After doing so, check if there is a new version on the manufacturer’s website or by checking on Windows Update for any updates.
- If either place has one available download it! Then install it over top of what currently exists.
That should fix most stuttering issues with Bluetooth headphones on Windows devices.
How to Fix Bluetooth Audio Stuttering on Android
If youe Bluetooth headphone is cutting out on your Andorid smartphone, you need to:
- Disable power saving mode on your device.
- This is the most common cause of Bluetooth stuttering on Android. So, if you’re experiencing it, disabling this option should help significantly.
- To do this:go to “Settings”, then “Battery”.
- There will be an option for power-saving modes here – just disable that and see if things improve!
Pogosta vprašanja
Bluetooth Headphones Cutting Out On Windows 10 PC
If your Bluetooth headphones keep cutting out on Windows 10, there are a few things you can try to fix the issue:
- First, check to make sure that your headphones are fully charged. If they are, then try restarting your computer. If that doesn’t work, try resetting your Bluetooth device by turning it off and then back on again.
- Run the Bluetooth troubleshooter
- Disable and re-enable the Audio Enhancements
- Change audio formats
- Update your audio drivers to the latest versions
- Reinstall the audio driver. This will require a restart of the PC
You can chesk out this guide for more detailed information. Finally, if none of these solutions work, you may need to contact your device manufacturer for further assistance.
Bluetooth Headphones Cutting Out On Windows 11 PC
If your headphone is cutting out on Windows 11, follow the following trouleshootig guide:
- Run the Bluetooth Troubleshooter
- Disable and re-enable the Audio Enhancements
- Reinstall the Bluetooth and WiFi drivers
- Disable the Remote Control property of your Bluetooth device
- Turn off the Bluetooth of other devices or unpair them
- Restart Bluetooth Support Service
You can chesk out this guide for more detailed information. Finally, if none of these solutions work, you may need to contact your device manufacturer for further assistance.
Headphones Cut Out When Running
There’s nothing worse than losing your rhythm mid-run because your music cuts out. Unfortunately, this is a common problem with Bluetooth headphones. The good news is that there are a few things you can do to fix it:- First, make sure that your headphones are fully charged. If they’re not, then they may not be able to maintain a connection with your phone.
- Second, try keeping your phone in your pocket rather than in a bag or armband. This will help to ensure that the signal remains strong. This is because you are out of range or when there is an obstruction of the signal, your wireless Bluetooth headphones will disconnect. Remember, Bluetooth signals are easily interrupted by physical objects.
If all else fails, consider investing in a pair of wired headphones. They may not be as convenient, but they’ll definitely stay put during even the most strenuous runs.
Bluetooth Cuts Out When Walking
How can your headphopnes cut out just by walking? Well, Bluetooth is notorious for its spotty connections, and it often cuts out when you’re moving around. There are a few reasons for this:
- First, Bluetooth signals are easily interrupted by physical objects. So if you’re carrying your phone in your pocket or bag, the signal may be weak or intermittent.
- Bluetooth signals are also susceptible to interference from other electronic devices. So if you’re in an area with a lot of cell phone towers or WiFi networks, your signal is likely to be weaker. If you’re having trouble with your Bluetooth connection, try moving to a more open area, turning off other electronic devices, or keeping your phone in your hand instead of in your pocket.
With a little trial and error, you should be able to find a spot where you can stay connected even while on the move.
If you’ve dipped your toes into the Bluetooth headphones world, you know how useful these audio devices can be.
You likely understand that issues like Bluetooth headphones cutting out can be frustrating unless one knows how to fix them.
In this article, we’ve covered in detail many reasons Bluetooth headphones cut out and simple ways to fix them. You can try them out anytime and see how much time you can save.