Sennheiser HD 650 proti 700:katerega kupiti?
Sennheiser je eno tistih imen, ki jih vsi poznajo, saj zadnjih 75+ let izdelujejo visokokakovostno avdio opremo. To trdo delo jim je prineslo izjemen sloves in katalog, ki je večji od mnogih njihovih konkurentov.
Ta katalog, izdelan iz visokokakovostnih materialov in sestavnih delov, se morda zdi nekoliko preobremenjen. Da bi vam predstavili, katere slušalke bi vam lahko ustrezale, smo mislili, da bomo vzeli dve slušalki iz njihovega kataloga in ju pomerili med seboj v dvoboju ena proti drugi.
Predstavljamo vam Sennheiser HD650 Vs. HD700. Poglejmo, ali lahko poiščemo tistega, ki bo najbolje ustrezal vašim zvočnim potrebam.
Sennheiser HD 650
To je ena tistih slušalk, ki jih lahko ceni vsak, a pravi avdiofil bo našel veliko več, nad čimer bi lahko navdušeni kot laik. Izdelan je iz visokokakovostnih plastičnih nastavkov, zaradi katerih je morda videti nekoliko cenejši od drugih modelov.
Enota je opremljena s sistemi, ki zožijo tolerance in izboljšajo harmonično in intermodulirano popačenje. Poleg tega je opremljen z vgrajenim dušilnim elementom, ki mu pomaga ostati natančen v vseh vrstah podnebja. Na splošno je ta izdelek lahka možnost z dobrim odzivom in prijetnim zvokom.
Tehnični podatki
- Žična ušesna zasnova
- Frekvenčni odziv – 10 – 39.500 Hz
- Dinamični gonilniki iz neodima
- 3,5 mm vtičnica
- Aluminijaste zvočne tuljave
- 118” kabel
- Impedanca – 300 Ohmov
- Teža – 0,6 lbs.
Na splošno to pomeni, da če iščete slušalke, ki ponujajo naraven zvok, ki je še posebej dober pri vokalu, potem bi lahko bila HD650 dobra izbira za vas. Zasnova teh slušalk je udobna za dolgotrajno nošenje in je zelo enostavna za uporabo. Če pogledamo, komu bi to najbolj koristilo, so to tisti, ki te slušalke kupujejo, da bi resnično uživali v glasbi. Ko gre za vokal, je njegova jasnost glavni razlog, da se tako počutimo.
- Zvok in funkcionalnost sta zelo natančna
- Topli in gladki toni srednjega tona
- Naglavni trak in blazinice za slušalke, oblikovane za udobje
- Slika in zvočna kulisa sta odlični
- Dele slušalk je mogoče preprosto zamenjati
- Bas je čvrst in močan
- Vsestransko uporaben
- Preveč gladek zvok
- V oddelku visokih tonov manjka kanček oomfa
- Lahko bi bil zasnovan tako, da bi bil bolj zračen in harmoničen
- Morda je za nekatere presvetlo
Oglejte si ceno Sennheiser HD 650 in ocene na Amazonu
Sennheiser HD 700
Te slušalke so zasnovane s številnimi funkcijami, ki njihovo zmogljivost dvignejo na nove višave. Zaradi lastnosti, kot sta circum-aural dinamična odprta zasnova skladbe in predanost zagotavljanju neverjetne zvočne scene, je odlična izbira za skoraj vsakega avdiofila.
Gonilniki te enote lahko zagotavljajo visoke ravni zvočnega tlaka. To je samo ena od lastnosti, zaradi katere so to visoko zmogljive slušalke. Enota je bolj estetsko prijetna v primerjavi z HD650 in ima več funkcij, ki bodo izbranemu uporabniku služile bolje kot druge.
Tehnični podatki
- Žična ušesna zasnova
- Dvojne diafragme
- Ventilirani magnetni sistem
- Dinamični gonilniki
- Frequency response – 10 – 42,000Hz
- Impedance – 15 Ohms
- Weight – 1 lb.
For us, when it comes to the specs and design, we know that many audiophiles will love this set. For those looking for clarity of vocals, this may not be the right choice for you. On the other hand, if you are looking for a set of headphones with an awesome sound stage and elevated sound quality when it comes to treble and bass, then the HD700 is a fine choice.
- Has a nice and elegant look
- Designed with good spatial imaging
- Treble is very good
- Realistic and true sounding acoustic presence
- Deep, clear, and punchy bass
- Clear and rich mid-range tones
- No fatigue when it comes to the treble
- Passive clarity for a more natural sound
- Broad dynamic range for various genres
- Comfortable to wear for longer times
- Transducer is angled for an enhanced soundstage
- Good detailing in the sound
- Attached cord feels a little flimsy
- Silver mesh cover ear cup looks like it is not very durable
- Headband cushioning could have been better
See the Sennheiser HD 700 price and reviews on Amazon
Sennheiser HD 650 vs 700 – Which One is for You?
Sennheiser HD 650 | Sennheiser HD 700 |
Weight: 0.57 lbs (260 g) | Weight: 0.90 lbs (270 g) |
Impedance: 300 ohms | Impedance: 150 ohms |
Sound pressure level: 103 dB | Sound pressure level: 105 dB |
Frequency response: 10 – 39500 Hz | Frequency response: 15 – 40000 Hz |
Total Harmonic Distortion: 0.05 % | Total Harmonic Distortion : 0.03 % |
Noise Cancellation: No | Noise Cancellation: No |
Okay, so which one is for you? When looking at each model – the HD650 and the HD700 – this is a personal preference. It might help to look at the differences between the two models. The only thing that is the same about these two headphones is that they are both crafted to be lightweight and are made by a company that puts a lot of work into ensuring top-notch components are used in their products.
When we are looking at the design of the two, the 700 is a more aesthetically pleasing, luxurious-looking piece due to the 650’s use of plastic and metallic finish. However, comfort is where the HD650 takes over. It is lightweight, and the ear cups are more comfortable, which means you can wear it comfortably for longer. The ear cups are also farther apart.
When it comes to sound quality, it is a wash. Each shines in its own way and delivers excellent sound quality. For those looking for better mid-tone ranges and clarity in vocals, the Sennheiser HD650 would be our choice. However, if you are someone who wants a wider soundstage and a more robust treble and bass, then the Sennheiser HD700 is your best option.
Final Thoughts
In the end, the HD700 is more expensive, and that might play a part in your decision. In our opinion, the price hike from the 650 to the 700 is unnecessary, as the value that the price tag brings with it is not that much better than the 650. That being said, the ultimate choice between the two is a personal preference and may be made by looking at just how you plan to use your Sennheiser headphones.
So consider all of the features above, look at your needs and budget, and you should be able to work out which is better for you and what you want to use them for.