Popravilo kartice MicroSD:Kako shraniti podatke
Kartice MicroSD lahko povečajo notranji pomnilnik vašega pametnega telefona in ustvarijo več prostora za fotografije, videoposnetke, glasbo in pomembne datoteke. Toda kaj se zgodi, če vaša kartica MicroSD nenadoma preneha delovati? Ali če pomotoma izbrišete datoteko? Tukaj vam bomo pokazali, kako popraviti kartico MicroSD in shraniti podatke.
- Kako izbrati najboljšo kartico MicroSD za vaš telefon Android
- Kako formatirati kartice MicroSD kot notranji pomnilnik
Skoči na razdelek:
- Varnostno kopirajte podatke
- Popravite kartico MicroSD z operacijskim sistemom Windows
- Primerjava programske opreme za shranjevanje podatkov
- Popravite in rešite datoteke z DiskDiggerjem
- Popravite svojo kartico MicroSD z Androidom in rootanjem
- Obnovite izbrisane datoteke z operacijskim sistemom Mac OS X
- Zaključek
Varnostno kopirajte svoje podatke
Ste pomotoma izbrisali nekaj datotek? Potem pod nobenim pogojem ne smete nadaljevati zapisovanja več podatkov na kartico MicroSD. To bi lahko prepisalo območja z pomotoma izbrisanimi slikami in zmanjšalo vaše možnosti za uspešno obnovitev.
Če je vaša kartica MicroSD poškodovana ali je videti pokvarjena, je ne formatirajte znova, če še vedno želite obnoviti podatke. Tudi če je kartica pripravljena za ponovno uporabo po formatiranju, spodnja orodja težje obnovijo obstoječe podatke.
- Najboljše aplikacije za varnostno kopiranje:nikoli več ne skrbite, da boste izgubili podatke aplikacije
Popravite kartico MicroSD z operacijskim sistemom Windows
Najprej izklopite pametni telefon, odstranite kartico MicroSD in jo nato vstavite v kateri koli računalnik z operacijskim sistemom Windows. Če računalnik prepozna kartico, jo kliknite z desno tipko miške v Raziskovalcu in nato izberite Lastnosti . Po tem pojdite na Orodja in kliknite Preveri zdaj v Preverjanje napak območje.

Če Windows ne prepozna takoj vaše kartice MicroSD, vam ta zvijača pomaga
Če Windows ne prepozna vaše kartice MicroSD, odprite upravitelja sistemov in kliknite Upravljanje diskov na seznamu na levi. Če vidite kartico MicroSD v desnem pogledu, jo kliknite z desno miškino tipko in nato Spremeni črko pogona in poti .
Odprlo se bo novo okno, kjer boste morali klikniti Dodaj in nato dodelite črko pogona za kartico MicroSD. Ko končate, bi moralo biti vidno v Raziskovalcu in kartica MicroSD je popravljena, kot je opisano prej.

Primerjava programske opreme za shranjevanje podatkov
DiskDigger | Čarovnik za obnovitev podatkov EaseUS | R-Studio R-Tools | PhotoRec | |
Licenca | 14,99 USD, brezplačno za Linux | 107,04 USD (Mac), 83,24 USD (Windows) | 79,99 $ | Brezplačno (FOSS) |
Operacijski sistemi | Windows, Mac OS, Linux, Android | Windows, Mac OS; Aplikacije, ki so na voljo za Android in iOS | Linux, Windows, Mac OS | Windows, Linux, Mac OS |
Deluje s poškodovanimi datotečnimi sistemi | Da (kopaj globlje) | Da (globoko skeniranje) | Da | Da (TestDisk) |
Root (Android) | Izbirno | Da | n.a., ne deluje z Androidom | n.a., ne deluje z Androidom |
Popravite in rešite datoteke z DiskDiggerjem
Če nobeden od teh nasvetov ni deloval, ne obupajte, saj je na voljo veliko drugih orodij in programov, ki vam lahko pomagajo popraviti kartico MicroSD. Eden od teh je DiskDigger. Ta program lahko med preskusnim obdobjem uporabljate brezplačno, licenca za enega uporabnika za osebni računalnik pa vas bo stala približno 14,99 USD.
- Prenos:DiskDigger za popravilo kartic MicroSD
Ko prenesete in namestite DiskDigger, zaženite program in izberite kartico MicroSD. Click on the "Next" tab three times and DiskDigger will then scan your MicroSD card. This may take some time but that's quite normal. After this is done, any files that were retrieved during the scan will be displayed.

Select the files you want to save and click Recover selected files . Now all you need to do is select where the files are to be saved and after you've clicked OK, it's all done.
- Recover photos from a memory card with DiskDigger
Repair your Micro SD card with Android and rooting
If your smartphone is rooted and you want to repair the MicroSD card directly from your phone, there is also an Android version of DiskDigger available on Google Play Store. The free version allows you to restore images (JPG and PNG) and videos (MP4 and 3GP). The Pro version offers you the possibility of repairing other files on the MicroSD card too.
- 15 best root apps for Android
You can also get DiskDigger Pro for Android, which works without root access. However, this does not reconstruct original files, but instead temporarily restores previews of the originals. As a result, the rootless version of the file recovery can only save lower resolution images.

The Android process runs in pretty much the same way as described above. However, you should keep in mind that the Android version of DiskDigger is not as efficient as the Windows version for repairing your MicroSD cards. Furthermore, your smartphone should be rooted, because without extended system access, the app can't function effectively.
Recover deleted files using Mac OS X
You can also use your Mac to restore data to MicroSD cards. The Data Recovery Wizard for Mac is a free program that can do this task, and is available for download from the manufacturer's website.
After you've finished downloading the program, insert the memory card into your Mac and start the program. You don't have to worry about any options or menus in this software, but the Data Recovery Wizard will guide you step by step through the process. Then select the memory card as well as data types that you want to restore.

After a short scan, the app will show you which files can be salvaged. For example, any files that you accidentally deleted will be displayed here. Another optional solution is an in-depth scan of the memory card. In the window that opens, you can select the files that have been lost.

The last step is to choose a new location for your file. Restoring the file in its original location is not advised, especially if the SD card has a defect.

Data Recovery Wizard is also available in a Windows version. The free version restores only 2 GB of data. If you need more, you'll have to go with the more expensive option and buy the $89.95 version.
Similar to DiskDigger, the R-Tools software uses a graphical wizard, which is a step-by-step recovery assistant. The free version is limited to Windows file systems and only the expensive, paid version recognizes the ext3 relevant in Android.
- R-Studio website
PhotoRec is an add-on to the free file system recovery tool TestDisk. It is free and open source (FOSS), but only comes as a command line tool. Here are the complete step-by-step instructions.
Hire a data recovery service provider
If you can't manage the recovery yourself, a service provider can save you time and frustration. One of the options is Recoverfab. You send your damaged MicroSD card there and then later download the recovered data from their FTP server. The prices for a 32 GB recovery, for example, are between 300 and 500 dollars.
- Recoverfab's website
Decrypt encrypted MicroSD cards
If your MicroSD card was encrypted as internal memory and suddenly becomes unreadable, don't reset your smartphone because the key to your MicroSD card will be lost and the data on it can't be recovered in a reasonable amount of time.
A guide to decrypting MicroSD cards formatted as internal memory in Android can be found in Android expert Nikolay Elenkov's blog.
Ideally, you always have a backup that you can access in case of an emergency, so you never really have to recover your data. Otherwise you should first try to repair your MicroSD card with Windows tools.
As a second step, we recommend searching with PhotoRec, since the software is completely free of charge. There are step-by-step instructions that should help you quickly. If that doesn't help, use a program like DiskDigger or Data Recovery Wizard.
Sure, you probably already know this, but just in case, here's an important piece of advice:make backups of your files at regular intervals. If something breaks, you still have a backup copy and you don't have to bother with rescue operations to save your data. The best backup programs for Android can be found here:
- Best backup apps:never worry about losing app data again
Have you had the unfortunate experience of losing important data? Will you be using any of these methods to see what you can get back? Sporočite nam v spodnjih komentarjih.