6 najboljših brezžičnih sprožilcev za fotoaparate Nikon D800 + [Zakaj bi morali dobiti daljinski sprožilec]
Brezžični sprožilci igrajo pomembno vlogo pri fotografiji.
Medtem ko lahko učinkovito uporabljate Nikon D800 ali katero koli drugo kamero z ročnim sprožilcem, vam brezžična sprožitev pomaga z lahkoto narediti povečane posnetke, skupinske fotografije, fotografije v naravi ali fotografije predmetov v gibanju.
Brez tega tvegate, da boste posneli zamegljene fotografije, ki niso uporabne.
Zaklopi so na voljo v različnih oblikah, ki se razlikujejo po ceni, velikosti, povezljivosti in funkcijah, zaradi česar je ljudem težko izbrati najboljše, še posebej, če gre za prvi nakup.
To dobro razumemo in zato smo pripravili seznam najboljših brezžičnih sprožilcev zaklopa za fotoaparate Nikon D800.
Nadaljujte z branjem, če želite izvedeti njihove lastnosti in prednosti.
Najboljši brezžični sprožilci za fotoaparate Nikon D800
Izdelek | Baterije | Razpon | Cena |
AODELAN | 2 x AAA baterije | 80/100 metrov | Preverite na Amazon |
Neewer daljinski upravljalnik 3-v-1 | AA | 25 metrov | Preverite na Amazon |
Timer Remote Sprožilec | 2 x AAA baterije | N/A | Preverite na Amazon |
Brezžični daljinski sprožilec zaklopa TW-283 DC0 | N/A | 80 metrov | Preverite na Amazon |
Vitek brezžični daljinski zaklop SMDV RFN-4s | 2 AAA bateriji | 390 metrov | Preverite na Amazon |
Daljinski upravljalnik za sprožilec LCD Pixel | 4 AAA baterije | 80 metrov | Preverite na Amazon |
Primerjalna tabela
Daljinski upravljalnik kamere AODELAN
Vaše iskanje daljinskega upravljalnika zaklopa Nikon D800 se tukaj konča.
AODELAN daljinski sprožilec ne razočara, ko je čas za zajemanje trajnih spominov. Gre za brezžično enoto, ki pa je lahko tudi žična in pokriva območje med 80 in 100 metri.
Daljinski upravljalnik dobro deluje z Nikonovimi fotoaparati in tukaj so razlogi, zakaj bi morali proračun zanj kupiti.
Funkcije in prednosti
Ta daljinski sprožilec za fotoaparate Nikon ima oddajnik in sprejemnik. Ponaša se tudi s številnimi podpornimi možnostmi za sprožitev, samodejno ostrenje, posamezen posnetek, fotografiranje z žarnicami, med drugim.
AODELAN deluje v območju najmanj 80 metrov. Zaradi tega je enota popolna za dolge osvetlitve ali snemanje selfijev, skupinskih fotografij in dobro deluje pri zajemanju zameglitve gibanja.
AODELAN pride prav tudi pri nočnem fotografiranju in ne bo vam žal, da ga imate. Vse to je posledica dejstva, da jih lahko uporabljate tako v brezžičnem kot v žičnem načinu.
To je še ena izjemna lastnost daljinskega sprožilca AODELAN. Daljinski upravljalnik je zelo združljiv z veliko različnimi različicami fotoaparata Nikon.
Vključujejo D3100, D3300, D5100, D5300, če jih omenimo le nekatere. Da bi daljinski upravljalnik deloval, kot bi moral, morate sprejemnik vedno povezati s kamero.
Ta daljinski upravljalnik kamere bo presegel vaša pričakovanja.
· Ima funkcionalne gumbe za upravljanje
· Ugodna cena
· Ima veliko možnosti fotografiranja
· Ni primerno za napredno merjenje časa
· Receptorske baterije niso priložene
Neewer daljinski upravljalnik 3-v-1
Novejši daljinski upravljalnik 3 v 1 je narejen za vaš fotoaparat Nikon D800 z daljinskim sprožilcem bliskavice in 16 kanali. Uporablja baterije AA in je zelo zanesljiv.
Poglejmo, zakaj bi moral biti to vaš strelski partner.
Funkcije in prednosti
Daljinski upravljalnik Neewer je zelo funkcionalen, zahvaljujoč 16 kanalom, ki vam omogočajo preprečevanje zunanjih motenj.
Pokriva razdaljo delovanja 25 metrov in se ponaša s hitrostjo 1/200 sekunde. Upravljanje tega daljinskega upravljalnika je enostavno, saj ima gumb za sprožitev, na katerega se lahko zanesete, ko je čas za ostrenje.
Ta enota vam bo prav tako pomagala pri pridobivanju visokokakovostnih slik, saj je njen učinek fotografiranja koristen pri odpravljanju kakršnih koli tresljajev ob sprostitvi sprožilca.
Neewer 3-in- 1 is also multi-compatible with several strobe flashes, including VE-300/400, VISION 4, and VC-400/600HS flash.
You can use the unit as a camera shutter cable or for on-camera flash. This is among the most reliable remote shutter release for Nikon.
· It gives value for money
· Made to last
· Well-constructed
· Unmatchable wireless capability
· Not made for the Nikon speed light strobe
· Installing flash triggers can be challenging.
Timer Remote Shutter Release
One of the reasons you should not hesitate to buy this unit is because it is multifunctional. It is a timer and remote shutter release at the same time.
It is simple to use and works incredibly. Consider buying it for the following reasons.
Features and Benefits
When it comes to timing, this timer remote shutter release for Nikon is unmatchable. It boasts three multiple functions, including the delay timer, interval timer, and long exposure timer.
You can also set it up to give the number of exposure you desire. On average, the timing setting for this unit is at 0.1 seconds.
The standby timer can function for a period of up to 48 hours, making it highly dependable.
This wireless shutter release for Nikon D800 includes 4 shooting modes:instant single shooting, continuous shooting, bulb exposure, and the 2-seconds delay modes.
The modes allow you to explore different kinds of shooting for excellent results.
An excellent remote shutter release should be versatile, and this one is not short of that.
Its versatility makes it compatible with several other Nikon cameras and other brands, including Fujifilm S3 pro and S 5 pro.
· It has an awesome intervalometer
· Long battery life
· Reliable working voltage
· Not the best for documentation
· The batteries are not included
TW-283 DC0 Wireless Remote Shutter Release
Take your shooting sessions to another level with this remote shutter release for Nikon.
TW-283 DCO has a timer that helps you to schedule your shooting sessions. It also comes with connecting cables and lots of other features, as discussed below.
Features and Benefits
You will love the TW-283 remote shutter release for its functions. It has four operations, a timer and goes a long way to give you the best.
The functions include 1S continuous shooting, simple single shooting, timer schedule shooting, and delay shooting. With the delayed shooting, you can set the number of shootings as well as the delay time.
The delay timing is between 1s to 59s, while the shooting number is between 1-99.
On the other hand, you can set the shooting time for the timer schedule from 0 secs to 100hrs. The different timing features of this remote control include repeat and interval time shooting.
· Compatible with other Nikon cameras
· Prevents camera shake
· Suitable for capturing self-portraits
· Difficult to read instructions
· It comes with unreliable cables.
SMDV RFN-4s Slim Wireless Remote Shutter
Capture your photos from a vast distance of 390 meters in all weather conditions using the SMDV remote shutter. It has a frequency of 2.4GHz and 16 channels.
This unit can operate in extreme temperatures, unlike most remote shutters.
Features and Benefits
If you are a professional photographer, you need to gift your Nikon Camera this remote shutter. One of its notable features is that it will always signal you when you go out of its designed range.
Also, there is a protective cover for its trigger to prevent you from shooting accidentally. The trigger also fits perfectly in your hands.
Therefore, you can make accurate shots without worrying about shaking.
Another incredible feature of SMADV is the radio-coded signal which makes the remote shutter ideal for shooting indoors, outdoors, or even through walls.
This must be amazing, right?
Design and Connectivity
SDMV remote shutter release for Nikon has 16 coded channels that give you plenty of working options without worrying about interference.
Interestingly, all these channels use the same frequency without overworking the unit. On the other hand, the remote shutter is designed to last regardless of the work you put it through.
· High performance
· Ideal for different shots
· Has indicator lights
· Not limited to Nikon D800
· Difficult receiver camera connection
· Not strongly built
Pixel LCD Shutter Release Remote Control
Get your Nikon D800 camera to do things right with the Pixel LCD remote shutter release. It is a wireless unit and compatible with several other cameras.
This shutter remote boasts a radio frequency connection and a range of 80 meters. Still, want more reasons as to why it’s the best? Let’s look at what you stand to gain.
Features and Benefits
This shutter release has an interval, repeat, and long exposure timer, which you can set for 99 hours.
This is a feature that ensures that your shots are well-timed and real. The delay timer comes in handy in ensuring that you don’t have to wait for a long time to capture photos.
Pixel LCD remote shutter release for Nikon is built to support single, continuous bulb, delay, and timer schedule shooting.
Also, being a versatile shutter release remote control, you can use Pixel to control different cameras.
All you have to do is to use the appropriate connection cable. Both the receiver and transmitter of the remote control feature LCD screens, making it easy to use.
· LCD display
· No cords involved
· Great for motion movies
· Inexpensive
· Has a complex operation
· The transmitter drains the battery so fast.
Advantages of a Wireless Shutter Release
You stand to gain much when you use a wireless remote shutter release when shooting. You will enjoy lots of flexibility and use your camera efficiently and accurately.
Besides, shooting while you stand at a distance from your camera, a shutter release is also fun and convenient, unlike when using a wired shutter remote release.
Are you planning on buying a Nikon D800 camera, or do you already own one?
Here are some of the benefits of a wireless remote shutter release for Nikon D800.
Sharper Images
You can be sure to capture sharper images when you buy a wireless shutter release for your Nikon. You will have an accurate focus, either manual or auto.
Also, the remote eliminates the need to touch your camera, meaning there will be no movements or vibrations during the shooting. It is also a great time-saver in live view shootings.
High-Speed Photography
If you have taken photography as a career, you know the essence of speed.
One of the things you enjoy when you use remote shutter release for Nikon is high-speed. You will not have to repeat your shots, which is greatly advantageous if you are doing photography alone.
Wildlife Shooting
Shooting photos in the bush is not a walk-in-the-park. It comes with lots of risks and inconveniences.
This is more so if you use wired shutter release and the cables keep on coiling around the wild plants.
However, things would be different if you bought a wireless remote shutter release for your Nikon D800. This is because you will move away from the scene and camera and have an un-interfered shooting.
Besides, you will be safe since you have the option of shooting from inside a vehicle.
Comfort and Convenience
Sometimes, when shooting outdoors or indoors, you must be in specific postures for a real shoot for a photoshoot. You might also have to pose for long, which is quite tiring.
Can you imagine doing an outdoor photoshoot that demands you lie on the ground during winter?
It can be very uncomfortable, and that’s why you need a wireless remote shutter release. It allows you to do your shoots comfortably and without jeopardizing your safety.
Zadnje misli
We have come to the end of our review for the best wireless shutter release for Nikon.
Their outstanding features are diverse and will ensure that your photography is accurate, well-timed, and high quality.
The units that we have discussed are also easy to use and highly compatible with other cameras. You don’t have to struggle anymore with fixing cables to shoot high-quality photos.
If those on this list aren’t available, you can use them as a benchmark when scrutinizing other models. Best of luck in your photography sessions!