Kako Camera Obscura deluje in kako jo narediti
Camera obscura, imenovana tudi luknjičasta slika, je bila uporabljena v 13. stoletju za varno opazovanje sončnega mrka. Alkimist, astrolog in zdravnik Arnaldus de Villa je izum uporabil približno v tistem času kot projektor za zabavo. Vendar pa so fotografi in drugi umetniki šele v 15. stoletju začeli uporabljati camero obscuro. Torej, kaj je ta izum in kako deluje camera obscura?
Camera obscura je temna soba ali škatla, ki ima v eni steni majhno luknjo. Svetloba prehaja skozi majhno luknjo in odbija sliko prizora izven okvirja na nasprotno površino luknje. Projicirani pogled je predstavljen kot obrnjena in obrnjena slika.
Ta fantastičen izum še danes uporabljajo številni fotografi in umetniki, v zgodovini fotografije pa igra pomembno vlogo. Oglejmo si, kako ta stvaritev deluje in zakaj camera obscura obrne in obrne projicirano sliko. Pripravil sem tudi navodila, ki vam bodo pomagala narediti svojo lastno kamero obscuro!
Kako deluje Camera Obscura
Camera obscura je znana kot prednica sodobnih oziroma fotografskih kamer. V latinščini camera obscura pomeni »temna komora«, kar popolnoma ustreza temu izumu. Camera obscura je lahko majhna, zatemnjena soba ali škatla, ki oddaja svetlobo skozi majhno luknjo.
Umetniki so ga uporabili za pomoč pri sledenju projicirane slike, da bi ustvarili natančno predstavitev in grafično perspektivno sliko. V 13. stoletju so ljudje uporabljali kamero obscuro za preučevanje sončnih mrkov, pa tudi projektor za zabavo. Do 15. stoletja so z njim začeli eksperimentirati tudi fotografi.
Camera obscura projicira prizor zunaj zatemnjene sobe ali škatle na nasprotno steno luknje. Prizor se nato odraža kot obrnjena in na glavo obrnjena slika.
Danes igra ta izum pomembno vlogo v fotografiji in umetnosti.
Zakaj je slika Camera Obscura obrnjena narobe?
Razlog, zakaj kamera obscura projicira sliko na glavo, je precej preprost. Če poznate osnove fizike, se zavedate, da svetloba potuje v ravni črti in bo potovala v ravni črti, dokler svetloba ne zadene drugega predmeta.
Najpogostejši primer, ki pojasnjuje, zakaj je slika obrnjena, je zajemanje sveče skozi luknjico. Recimo, da svečo na primer postavimo pred luknjico, potem bo svetloba z vrha sveče prešla skozi luknjico, nadaljevala v ravni črti in končala na dnu.
Slika se nato obrne in obrne (leva gre v desno in desna gre v levo).
Kako narediti Camera Obscura
Ali želite preizkusiti ta izum? Obstaja veliko načinov za izdelavo lastne kamere obscure, vendar sem zbral navodila za najlažji in najhitrejši način za ustvarjanje. Zagotovo lahko najdete zaloge, ki ležijo okoli vašega doma. Pa začnimo!
- Sestavite zaloge
The necessary supplies are:
- Scissors
- Dark-colored tape (electrical tape or duct tape)
- Pencil or pen
- Sheet of white paper
- Any box that can close using the tape or lid of the box
Any box size is appropriate; however, I suggest using one that is 10 to 12 inches wide.
- Create The Screen
Use the white sheet of paper, cut it to fit on one side of the box, and tape it to the inside. The white paper will be the screen that the image projects on.
- Make Two Holes
Make two holes straight across from your screen (the white paper you attached). Use a pencil or pen to make one small hole and the scissors to cut a second hole for viewing your image. The second hole should be large enough for you to see into the box.
The holes must be apart far enough apart so your head will not hinder the light from entering through the small hole you made with the pen or pencil.
- Tape The Box Shut
It is time to tape shut your box! Use the dark-colored duct tape or electric tape to close the box so no light will seep through the edges or corners when you look into the box. You can layer the tape to ensure no extra light shines through.
- Test Your Camera Obscura
Enter a dark room and hold the side with the two holes pointed toward a well-lit and clear subject. You can now look into the viewing hole you made with the scissors to view the inverted and reversed subject.
Here is a suggestion:Use your camera obscura to gaze at the sun! It will not damage your eyes and has actually been used for hundreds of years to examine solar eclipses.
If you are having trouble seeing the image, try these techniques:
- Make your pinhole bigger if the image is too dark or dim.
- Slowly walk back and forth while moving your camera obscura side to side until you see an image. Remember, the scene you are trying to view is behind you, so it might be difficult to get it right the first time.
- Turn of the lights in the room, leave one light lit. Move about five feet away from the light and face with your back to the lamp.
- Use a cloth to cover your head and a small part of the box, but leave the pinhole uncovered. The image will appear more clearly.
Whether you are studying art or photography, I hope you at least have an idea of how the camera obscura works. To appreciate modern-day devices, we need to acknowledge how they came to be. The camera obscura or pinhole image contributed to art, entertainment, photography, and even our understanding of solar eclipses.
It must have been an exciting discovery to make during the ancient past, and the best part is that you can quickly teleport back to the olden days by creating and testing a hand-made camera obscura “device”.