Pregled fotoaparata KEH – boljši od drugih prodajalcev?
Če ste iskali mesto za preprodajo svoje fotografske opreme ali morda mesto za nakup rabljene opreme za fotoaparate, potem je lahko spletno mesto KEH mesto, ki ga morate preveriti.
Kako dobra – ali slaba – je kamera Spy Pen Ca...Kako dobra – ali slaba – je kamera Spy Pen?
Vsi ne kupujejo radi rabljene opreme, vendar boste zelo verjetno prijetno presenečeni nad kakovostjo in cenovno ugodnimi kamerami, ki jih lahko najdete tam. Navsezadnje nismo vsi narejeni iz denarja. Pogovorimo se o tem, kako deluje KEH ter o vseh prednostih in slabostih, da se boste lahko poučeno odločili, ali je pravi za vas.
Z lahkoto lahko najdete celo priljubljene kamere, ki so na koncu v boljšem stanju od pričakovanega, zato se poglobimo v to in si poglejmo vse, kar morate vedeti o spletnem mestu KEH Camera.
Kaj je kamera KEH?
KEH Camera je prvi in najbolj znan prodajalec rabljenih fotoaparatov in rabljene opreme, kot so rabljeni objektivi.

Ustanovljen je bil davnega leta 1979, tako da za profesionalce s kamero ni nov, a če ste šele začeli s fotografijo, morda še niste slišali zanj.
Medtem ko lahko na spletnem mestu KEH najdete najbolj priljubljene potrošniške kamere, večina strank na njem išče določene funkcije, ki so bolj značilne za redke fotoaparate, zato lahko z gotovostjo trdimo, da je glavni poudarek KEH Camera na redkih fotoaparatih in fotoaparatih. oprema v odličnem stanju.
To uspešno počnejo že kar nekaj desetletij, tako da bodo verjetno lahko ustregli tudi vsem prihodnjim potrebam.
KEH Camera je največji preprodajalec z več deset tisoč izdelki na kategorijo.
Zanimivo je tudi omeniti, da se je ta posel začel kot stranski hobi finančnega poslovneža Kinga Granta, ki je nato začel zbirati fotoaparate, ki so bili redki in v popolnem stanju.
Na splošno je KEH pravi kraj, kamor se lahko obrnete, ko iščete rabljene fotoaparate in dodatke.
Ena od glavnih prednosti tega podjetja je, da opremo kupijo neposredno in jo nato prodajo naprej. To pomeni, da jim to omogoča, da prihranijo več denarja od prodaje, pa tudi, da med vašo opremo in vami ne bo veliko ljudi.
Strankam je všeč tudi njihov sistem ocenjevanja in imajo veliko možnosti plačila, kot so PayPal, Stripe in Affirm.
Kje se nahaja kamera KEH?
Večino svojega dela opravljajo na spletu, vendar imajo glavno lokacijo podjetja v Smyrni GA.
Na njihovi fizični lokaciji lahko večino korakov opravite osebno, tako oddaje kot prevzeme, in to lahko storite med delovnimi dnevi od ponedeljka do petka.
Poleg fizične trgovine in spletnega mesta lahko vsako storitev, ki jo potrebujete, opravite po telefonu s podjetjem.
Na voljo je tudi možnost pridobitve ponudbe za vso opremo iz telefona, e-pošte ali spletne strani.
Garancija za fotoaparat KEH
Ena najpomembnejših stvari, na katero morate skrbeti, ko kupujete rabljeno opremo, kot je objektiv fotoaparata ali ohišje fotoaparata, je poleg odličnih funkcij in delovnega stanja garancija.
Na splošno ne bi smeli kupiti nobene naprave, če ni garancije, in rabljeni fotoaparati tega zagotovo niso opravičeni.
KEH Camera bo imela šestmesečno garancijo za skoraj vso opremo, ki jo najdete na njihovi spletni strani, tako da boste pri nakupu pri njih varni.
Nekateri izdelki, ki nimajo te garancije, so zbirateljski izdelki, običajno tisti, ki so od zunaj v brezhibnem stanju, vendar jih ni mogoče zares uporabljati.
Kako prodati opremo za kamero na kameri KEH
Zanimiva stvar pri prodaji lastne opreme na KEH je, da je to mogoče storiti na nekaj različnih načinov.

Prva možnost je možnost »takojšnja ponudba«, na katero boste imeli najhitrejši odgovor.
Ta možnost je dobra za ugotavljanje, koliko bo oprema vredna, ko bo objavljena na spletnem mestu.
Vendar je pomembno vedeti, da tovrstna ponudba ni zajamčena, saj bodo morali biti prepričani, da je oprema, ki jo postavljate, v točno takšnem stanju, kot ste rekli, da je.
Če želite to izvedeti, lahko tudi samo pokličete njihovo osebje med delovnim časom od ponedeljka do petka in se nato z njimi pogovorite o vseh pogojih in podrobnostih.
Obstaja tudi tretja možnost za vas, če ti prvi dve ne delujeta najbolje za vas, in to je, da se obrnete na storitev KEH po e-pošti na [email protected]
Če to storite, jim boste morali posredovati nekaj podrobnosti, kot so vaše ime, telefonska številka, naslov in seveda natančen seznam vse opreme, ki jo nameravate tam prodajati.
So precej odzivni in vam običajno odgovorijo po enem delovnem dnevu, kar je super.
Končna možnost je lahko za vas, če ste v Kaliforniji ali Georgii. KEH Camera organizira dogodke, ki se osredotočajo na osebni nakup fotografske opreme.
Sometimes, there might be events somewhere else, but KEH Camera usually mostly chooses to organize them there.
They have a lot of buyers and sellers there, but also because Georgia is the place where the company originates from.
Pros &Cons
Just like with every business and every company out there, there are certain pros and cons to KEH Camera as an option for selling and buying your used equipment, and I want to mention both and be unbiased.
Fortunately, the pros outweigh the cons by a large number, so you don’t have to worry whether this is a good choice or not, but this pros and cons list will help you decide whether it is the right choice for you.
- Big choice of different brands of cameras and equipment to choose from, including the most popular ones like Nikon, Canon, Sony, Panasonic, and a variety of other smaller ones
- To sell your camera gear, you only need to go through a simple 3-step process, and you’ll be able to sell the equipment that you have
- KEH Camera has its own repair service where you can have your cameras sent in order to fix them before selling them or after buying them, and it’s at a pretty fair price
- A group of select products has the option of installment payments
- Good packaging
- With any order above $49, you have free shipping
- Thousands of products have the 180-warranty
- The free shipping that you get for purchases over $49 is US-only
- Some people reported minor issues with in person buying events
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Why Do Business with KEH Camera
While other alternatives may give some additional benefits, KEH Camera has such a long tradition behind it. Therefore it can give you a lot of great options if you want to sell, and it has fantastic choices if you want to buy something.
Overall, it definitely is worth it to go with this company.
Is KEH Camera trustworthy?
As the oldest and most popular reseller that has been in business since 1979 and is generally the most popular option among both professional and amateur photographers, it’s safe to say that KEH is a trustworthy option.
Where are KEH cameras located?
KEH Camera has its website, as well as a phone service through which everything can be done, but they have their original location in Smyrna, GA, and besides Georgia, they also organize in-person buying events in California.
Who owns KEH Camera?
The founder of KEH Camera is King Grant Jr., who originally started the company in 1979 and is still very present in the company.
He has his own blog on the website.
How long does it take to get a check from KEH?
Once they receive the gear that you want to sell, they need about a week to finish the evaluation, and after that, you will have your check emailed within one day.
KEH Camera Alternatives
While KEH was the first service of its kind and was the only business that bought thousands of photography products, nowadays, there are a lot of different alternatives that you can look at if the cameras on there don’t have the specifications that you’re looking for.
One of the companies I purchased from, which had fast shipping and delivery time, is MPB, which has its headquarters in London and offices in New York.
Since MBP is international and has connections with the US and the EU, it means that they have access to a lot of photographers and, therefore, a lot of equipment.
Another alternative is called Gear Focus, and it’s more of a DIY option, as they allow you to list the equipment you want completely by yourself.
But keep in mind that if you are in the United States, KEH is the way to go for various reasons.
Last Word on KEH
I have had nothing but good experiences with KEH, and Ive bought plenty of lenses (especially older Nikons that still work with newer bodies), popular current camera bodies to save a few bucks, older flagship camera bodies in nice shape that I could not afford new, old rangefinder cameras and true antique cameras.
Below is a photo of just some of the dozens of pieces of equipment Ive bought from KEH which all still works fine to this day. Pictured are my Nikon ED 80-200mm 1:2.8 lens in like new condition, my Nikon D850, my Yashica Electro 35 in excellent condition, and my antique Leica.

KEH Rating:9 out of 10
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