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Najboljši mostni fotoaparat za poenostavljeno fotografiranje

Če ste na trgu za fotoaparat, ki ponuja zmogljivost DSLR in obliko usmerite in fotografirajte, je premostitveni fotoaparat za vas.

Naj gre za počitnice, družinske portrete ali poroke, ti elegantni mali fotoaparati pridejo prav brez večjih kompromisov pri kakovosti slike in izkušnji fotografiranja.

Pri dobri fotografiji gre za nadzor nad osvetlitvijo. Z najboljšimi premostitvenimi kamerami lahko prilagodite različne nastavitve, vključno z zaslonko, hitrostjo zaklopa in ISO.

Kakovostne slike, napredne funkcije, podobne DSLR-jem, in vsestranskost ločijo te fotoaparate od pametnih telefonov in digitalnih nameri in fotografiraj.

Če ste utrujeni od nošenja več težkih objektivov, od širokokotnih do teleobjektivov, lahko kamera na mostu znatno olajša vašo torbo. Naj gre za obsežne pokrajine ali odkrite portrete, zmore vse.

Če niste prepričani, katero bi kupili, ne skrbite:preizkusili smo več možnosti in pripravili pet najboljših kamer za most, ki jih lahko kupite v letu 2022.

Najboljše kamere za most v letu 2022

Slika Izdelek Funkcije
  • Izjemno oster
  • Izjemno hitro samodejno ostrenje
  • Fotografije s 24 sličicami na sekundo
  • LCD zaslon na dotik
Najsvetlejši Panasonic Lumix ZS100
  • Video 4K
  • Senzor z 20,1 milijona slikovnih pik
  • Fotografije s 30 sličicami na sekundo
  • Tehta le 310 g
  • Izjemna kakovost slike
  • Moguča zgradba
  • 20x optični zoom
  • 3" nagibni LCD
  • Velik EVF
  • Enostaven za uporabo
  • Rafal brez zatemnitve
  • Video 4K
  • Osupljiva ločljivost
  • Blekovito hitro samodejno ostrenje
  • 960–1000 sličic na sekundo, počasni posnetek
  • Uporabniku prijazno

1. Sony Cyber-Shot RX10 IV

Oglejte si več ocen

Izbira urednika Pro
  • Super robustna zgradba
  • 3-palčni nagibni zaslon na dotik
  • Snemanje s 24 sličicami na sekundo
  • Optični stabilizator slike SteadyShot
  • Bluetooth, NFC in povezljivost Wi-Fi
  • Zaslona na dotik ni mogoče uporabiti za krmarjenje po funkcijskem meniju
  • Rahlo zajeten

Zgodnje premostitvene kamere so bile razvite na podlagi tehnologije usmeri in posnemi z dodanimi ročnimi kontrolami. Čeprav so z objektivi s fiksnim zoomom zagotovili izkušnjo, podobno DSLR, kakovost slike ni bila veliko izboljšana.

Tako je bilo, dokler Sony ni izdal serije kamer RX10. RX10 je imel večji 1-palčni senzor in robustno ohišje, ki je zaščiteno pred vremenskimi vplivi, kar je bilo mogoče videti le pri profesionalnih fotoaparatih DSLR. (Oglejte si naš članek o vrstah senzorjev fotoaparata, če želite izvedeti več o tem, zakaj je velikost tukaj pomembna.)

Četrta generacija serije, RX10 IV, je najnovejša premostitvena kamera Sony.

Zasnova RX10 IV je podobna prejšnji generaciji; vendar vsebuje veliko novih funkcij.

Ohišje je oblikovano podobno kot pri DSLR, leča pa ima fiksni 25-kratni zoom. Ni vam treba menjati objektivov, ne glede na to, ali fotografirate prostrane pokrajine ali se osredotočate na superluno.

Tako kot starejše generacije mostnih kamer ima tudi RX10 IV ohišje, popolnoma zaščiteno pred vremenskimi vplivi, ki lahko prenese rahel dež, sneg in prašna okolja.

Eno od področij, kjer RX10 IV blesti, je kakovost izdelave:zgrajen je okoli ohišja iz magnezijeve zlitine, zaradi česar je čvrst. Zunanjost je izdelana iz kovine, za boljšo ergonomijo pa je uporabljenih nekaj gume in polikarbonata.

Telo tehta 2,4 lbs (1,08 kg), kar je lahko glede na obseg povečave, ki ga pokriva.

RX10 IV podpira hitre pomnilniške kartice UHS 1 do 64 GB. Če pa raje ne porabite preveč za shranjevanje, so podprte tudi kartice SD s standardno hitrostjo.

Senzor na RX10 IV je Sonyjev Exmor RS z 20,1 milijona slikovnih pik, 1-palčni zloženi senzor, ki ustvarja visokokakovostne slike.

Na voljo je z izjemno ostrim objektivom Zeiss Vario-Sonnar T, ki pokriva goriščno razdaljo od 24 mm do 600 mm v 35 mm ekvivalentu.

Na širokem koncu je največja zaslonka velika f/2,4; vendar pa se zmanjša na f/4 na tele koncu. Zaslonka f/4 pri 600 mm je odlična, če upoštevamo, da jo najdemo na nekaterih dragih super-telefoto objektivih.

Pri fotografiranju pri nizkih hitrostih zaklopa lahko že najmanjši premik povzroči zameglitev vaših slik. Pri RX100 IV pa vam optični stabilizator slike SteadyShot omogoča ohranitev ostrine s stabilizacijo do 4,5 stopenj.

Če vas zanima fotografiranje športa ali hitro premikajočih se motivov, je RX10 IV najboljša kamera za mostove za vas. Slike lahko posnamete s hitrostjo 24 sličic na sekundo z vklopljenim samodejnim ostrenjem. Poleg tega lahko zaklene izostritev predmeta v samo 0,03 sekunde.

RX10 IV ima nadgrajen slikovni procesor Bionz X, ki ga najdemo tudi v Sonyjevi vodilni kameri polnega formata Alpha a9. V kombinaciji z zloženim senzorjem EXMOR RS ta slikovni procesor bistveno izboljša zmogljivost.

Razpon ISO 100–12.800 (razširljiv na 64–25.600) omogoča fotografiranje v zelo šibkih svetlobnih pogojih.

Video zmogljivosti RX10 IV so bile precej nadgrajene glede na prejšnjo generacijo. Vsebuje podporo za snemanje videoposnetkov 4K pri največ 30 sličicah na sekundo.

Pri ločljivosti 1080p lahko snema videe z največ 120 sličicami na sekundo. Podpira tudi formate dnevnikov Sony, ki zagotavljajo veliko prilagodljivost med urejanjem in barvnim razvrščanjem.

Zaradi izjemne pokritosti goriščne razdalje in naprednih video funkcij je RX10 IV ena najboljših potovalnih video kamer na trgu.

Ponuja mehanski zaklop, ki lahko fotografira z največjo hitrostjo 1/2000, in tihi elektronski zaklop, ki lahko fotografira z največ 1/32000 sekunde. S Sonyjevo implementacijo tehnologije proti popačenju je učinek navojnih zaklopov znatno zmanjšan.

Elektronsko iskalo z 2,35 milijona točkami je enako kot prejšnja generacija. Vendar pa je bil z novim slikovnim procesorjem zakasnitev prikaza odpravljena.

Ima 3-palčni nagibni zaslon na dotik na zadnji strani, ki podpira ostrenje z dotikom. Ločljivost je nekoliko nadgrajena glede na predhodnika na 1,44 milijona pik.

Zahvaljujoč številnim povezovalnim možnostim – od Bluetooth do NFC in Wi-Fi – so vaše slike preprosto dostopne v pametnem telefonu, osebnem računalniku ali drugih napravah.

S temi impresivnimi specifikacijami in zmožnostjo doseganja odličnih rezultatov je RX10 IV naš izbor številka ena za najboljšo kamero na mostu.

2. Panasonic Lumix DMC-ZS100

Oglejte si več ocen

Izbira urednika Pro
  • Kompaktna in lahka
  • Priloženo iskalo
  • Dober pri šibki svetlobi
  • Podpora za datoteke RAW
  • Fiksni LCD
  • Nekaj ​​mehkega roba na širokem koncu

ZS100 je Panasonicova lahka premostitvena kamera. Je korak pred prejšnjo generacijo kamer na mostu v smislu funkcij in zmogljivosti.

Začenši s fizičnim videzom fotoaparata, ima tanko ohišje, ki ga lahko spravite v vsako torbico ali velik žep, ko je izklopljen. Vendar leča štrli, ko vklopite fotoaparat.

Medtem ko so se številne 1-palčne premostitvene kamere v tem obsegu odločile za fotografiranje samo prek zaslona, ​​je v olajšanje videti iskalo na ZS100.

Še ena dobra stvar je, da ta možnost na seznamu najboljših kamer za most tehta le 0,68 funta (311 gramov) in je užitek za dolgotrajna fotografiranja.

Na fotoaparatu je veliko fizičnih gumbov, ki vam omogočajo prilagajanje kritičnih nastavitev, ne da bi se poglobili v meni.

1-palčni senzor z 20,1 milijona slikovnih pik na Panasonic ZS100 je dobrodošel dodatek v primerjavi s senzorjem velikosti 1/2,3 palca, ki ga je uporabljala prejšnja generacija v seriji. Relativno večji senzor ima znatno izboljšane slike in delovanje pri šibki svetlobi.

Češnja na torti je podpora za datoteke RAW, ki vam daje veliko prilagodljivosti pri naknadni obdelavi. Možnost fotografiranja RAW + JPEG zagotavlja najboljše iz obeh svetov:enostavno deljenje z drugimi in intenzivno obdelavo.

Fotoaparat ima popolnoma ročni način, v katerem lahko upravljate zaslonko, zaklop in ISO po svojih željah, kot tudi načine programa, zaslonke in prioritete zaklopa.

Unlike the RX10 IV detailed above, it doesn’t have a hot-shoe connector for external flash. However, it comes with a pop-up flash which has excellent illumination and range for its size.

The 1160k-dot electronic viewfinder on the Panasonic ZS100 is sharp and has vibrant colors. Just note that the magnification is limited to 0.46x.

The 1040k-dot 3-inch display is sharp, and touch support makes it very quick to set up the camera.

The maximum ISO is 12800. Given the size of the sensor, high-ISO images do produce a little grain. However, if you choose to shoot JPEGs, the internal noise reduction results in clean images.

The RAW files offer a high dynamic range in low light situations.

The 10x Leica DC VARIO-ELMAR lens on the ZS100 provides a focal range of 25mm to 250mm (35mm equivalent). The extended focal range beats other cameras in this price range.

The max aperture is a large f/2.8 at 25mm, and it closes down to an f/5.8 when it reaches 250mm.

RAW files and 4k videos are usually massive files that require ample storage. Thankfully, with the ZS100 you can use memory cards of up to 128 GB in SDHC and high-speed SDXC formats.

The hybrid Optical Image Stabilization on the ZS100 uses 5-axis to correct blurring in the handheld photos. The photos shot with OIS on are sharp and usable even at shutter speeds as low as 1/10. The AF system provides 49 AF points and can also detect and track eye and face.

Also, the shutter speed with the mechanical shutter can be set from 60 seconds to 1/2000 second and from 1 second to 1/16000 second when using the electronic shutter.

As per the CIPA rating, the battery on the ZS100 lasts 260 shots when EVF is used and 300 when the rear display is used. The camera charges via a USB port; no external charger is provided.

With Panasonic pushing 4K shooting in all its cameras, the ZS100 gets ultra-HD support. The videos can be recorded at 4K resolution with 24 or 30 frames. However, if you use 1080p, it can go up to 60 frames.

Photos get the 4K boost as well as video with this camera, which enables you to save 8.3 MP photos from your 4K videos. Note though that this feature is available only with videos shot at 4k.

The ZS100 also provides Panasonic’s Post Focus functionality, which lets you choose the pictures to keep as per the focus.

The ports on the camera are limited to a micro-USB and a micro-HDMI. However, there is in-built Wi-Fi, which enables you to transfer images directly to your iOS and Android smartphones via the free Panasonic Image app.

You can also use your phone as a remote to shoot with your camera:you can zoom, adjust settings, and use the phone screen for touch focus.

The high-end features of the ZS100 and the extended zoom range make it a perfect choice for most shooting scenarios and the best bridge camera in its price range.

3. Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ2500

Oglejte si več ocen

Izbira urednika Pro
  • Sturdy build
  • 4k video
  • Fast autofocus
  • Highly customizable
  • Brez vremenskih tesnil
  • Some inconsistent lens performance

The Lumix FZ2500 is a well-made superzoom camera by Panasonic. The impressive feature list includes ultra-high-resolution video and stills capabilities and many advanced DSLR-like features. Overall, it leaves nothing left to be desired when it comes to bridge cameras.

In terms of appearance, this camera closely resembles a DSLR. The main difference is the sensor size and lack of lens interchangeability.

The body is made with polycarbonate with the use of metal and rubber in some places. Unlike the RX10 IV, it doesn’t come with weather sealing – but light rain or a few drops of water won’t necessarily harm it.

The build is sturdy, and the camera feels solid in your hands.

It covers the focal range of 25mm to 480mm (35mm equivalent), which isn’t as long as 25 to 600mm on the RX10 IV. However, it weighs slightly less at 996 grams.

Another impressive thing is the number of customizable buttons on the camera – the functions buttons are even present on the lens.

Despite the long lens on it, the Panasonic FZ2500 gets ready to shoot very quickly in only 1.3 seconds.

The 20.1 MP 1-inch sensor comes with backside illumination, which makes it more sensitive in low-light situations. The images are sharp and vibrant and pack a significant amount of details.

This camera also supports RAW capture, which gives you ample post-processing flexibility.

On burst shooting mode with a single point of focus, it can capture RAW images at 10 fps and JPEGs at 11 fps. With continuous focus, the frame rate drops to 7 fps.

The images out of the FZ2500 are tack sharp with accurate color reproduction.

The overall performance is impressive throughout the extended zoom range, and to call it the best bridge camera for professional shooters isn’t a stretch at all.

It also provides a hotshoe mount for external flash and also an in-built flash. The inbuilt flash is useful for backlighting scenarios and indoors.

The ISO range is 80-25600. The pictures are mostly grain-free until ISO 3200; from ISO 640, the grain becomes noticeable in the image. That said, the overall low-light performance is pretty reliable.

The EVF is one of the best of any bridge cameras. It’s based on an OLED display that offers 2.36 million dots, is sharp and provides 0.74x magnification. The colors are vivid, and it maintains a good contrast even when shooting in low-light conditions.

The rear LCD is a 1040k-dot 3-inch tilt and swivel display that can rotate to face the user. It also features touch functions, including focus, pinch-zoom, and other settings.

The Leica Vario-Elmart f/2.8-4.5 20X optical zoom lens that comes with the FZ2500 is a versatile optic. The max aperture on the wide end is f/2.8 and f/4.5 when zoomed out.

It produces maximum sharpness in the middle of the image which diminishes a bit on the corners. Chromatic Aberrations are minimal even on the tele end of the lens.

The FZ2500 also features a built-in ND filter that can cut exposure in variations of 1/4, 1/16, 1/64.

It supports SD card of UHS speed class 3 of up to 128 GBs. Though it supports lower speed cards, the high-speed storage is recommended for 4K video recordings.

The focus stacking feature is an excellent tool for macro photography and also allows you to choose the focus after the capture.

The battery life on the Panasonic FZ2500 is rated for 270 shots with EVF and 350 shots with LCD by CIPA.

The mechanical shutter goes as fast as 1/4000 and electronic shutter at 1/16000.

The sensor allows shooting in 4K Ultra HD (3840×2160) as well as 4K DCI (4096×2160) videos. You have the option to shoot videos at 24fps or 30fps in 4K; however, with 1080p, you can go as high as 60 frames.

The FZ2500 comes with a microphone jack for high-quality audio. It also features in-camera cinema-style color gradation with CINELIKE D and CINELIKE V features.

Additionally, this camera offers live HDMI out to an external recorder with 4:2:2 in 8-bit or 10-bit with a 100 or 200 MBPS bitrate. Also, you get the creative flexibility with support for ND filter in video mode.

This bridge camera comes with plenty of ports:shutter release port, micro USB, Micro HDMI, and a 3.5mm jack for headphones and mic. The battery can only be charged externally with the supplied charger.

If you’re keen to transfer your photos to your smartphone quickly and easily, you can do so using the inbuilt Wi-Fi. As an added bonus, you can download the Panasonic Image app, which enables you to use your phone to operate the camera.

Is the Panasonic FZ2500 the very best bridge camera out there? That depends a little on your requirements – but with excellent features and impressive image quality, it’s definitely high on the list.

4. Sony RX100 VII

Oglejte si več ocen

Izbira urednika Pro
  • Enostaven za uporabo
  • Light and pocketable
  • Odlična ostrina
  • 20 fps with subject tracking
  • No rubber grip
  • Malo drago

The RX100 VII is the latest offering from Sony – a feature-rich compact camera that packs a lot of punch for its small size.

The body of the RX100 VII isn’t the smallest we’ve seen during this search for the best bridge camera, but it’s compact enough to fit in your jacket pocket. It also weighs a slight 0.66 pounds (303 grams), which makes it very easy to carry with you at all times.

When you turn the camera on, the lens protrudes out and zooming in does make it a bit longer. The construction is mostly metal with the use of a reasonable amount of plastic.

How about ergonomics? Well, there’s no rubber grip, but considering the small weight of the camera, that’s hardly a big deal.

The sensor on the Sony RX100 VII is a 20.1 MP 1-inch EXMOR RS, the same we’ve seen in the much more expensive RX10 IV. It produces excellent picture quality with vivid colors and details.

The images are very sharp throughout the zoom range of the 24mm to 200mm (35mm equivalent) zoom lens.

It features full manual controls as well as aperture, shutter priority, and program modes. The auto and scenes modes are also available if you prefer a point-and-shoot style shooting.

The new BIONZ X image processor, coupled with Sony’s stacked sensor, works well to provide the camera its outstanding focusing capabilities. The AF system features a total of 425 contrast-detect AF points and 357 phase-detection AF points.

It also comes with an in-built flash; however, there’s no hot-shoe mount to add external flash as we’ve seen in the RX10 series.

The ISO range is 100 to 12800 and is expandable to ISO 64 on the lower side. The high-ISO images are mostly grain-free until ISO 6400.

The viewfinder on the RX100 VII is not visible on the outside – it’s revealed with a pop-up mechanism. It’s built around an OLED display and provides a 0.59X Magnification.

The rear display, meanwhile, is a sharp 921k-dot tilting LCD with touch support. You can tilt the screen up and down as well make it face front for vlogs.

The RX100 VII supports high-speed UHS 1 memory cards and is also compatible with SD and SDHC cards.

When shooting with a single locked focus point, you can get continuous shooting at 30, 60 or a mind-blowing 90 fps. Even with full auto-focus and auto-exposure on, the speed stays at an impressive 20fps with the electronic shutter.

When it comes to video, the stabilization is one of the most sought-after features. With the Sony RX100 VII, you get electronic stabilization as opposed to the OIS we saw in the RX10 series. You might notice a minor crop of the frame while shooting stabilized videos.

In terms of video resolution, the camera offers 4K video recording with an option to shoot at 30p or 24p. It also offers a 4K HDR option. If you want to shoot at a lower FHD resolution, the frame rate can be raised to a maximum of 120p. You can record impressive 960p super slow-motion videos.

On a full charge, the battery provides 240 frames with EVF and 260 if you use the LCD. It’s not a high number of photos, but for this small-sized camera, it is decent.

Also, USB charging is available for conveniently charging on the go.

For the ports, it has micro-USB and a 3.5mm Microphone Jack. The wireless connectivity options are Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and NFC.

For smartphone connectivity, the RX100 VII supports Sony’s Play Memories smartphone app.

All in all, this tiny package offers a lot to be desired. If you’re after something portable but powerful, this is the best bridge camera for you.

5. Sony Cyber-shot RX10 III

Oglejte si več ocen

Izbira urednika Pro
  • Super fast autofocus
  • Dust and splash resistant
  • 960-1000 fps slow motion
  • Excellent optics
  • Heavy
  • No touch controls

The release of the RX10 IV had brought many enhancements; however, the RX10 III is still a strong contender among the best bridge cameras on the market.

This camera is made for serious photographers who seek an all-in-one camera with excellent image quality.

It’s designed to look like a DSLR; however, like other bridge cameras, this too has a fixed zoom lens. It offers an extended zoom range of 24mm to 600mm, which is 400mm longer than the RX10 II.

The camera weighs a massive 2.4 pounds (1.08 Kilograms), which is a lot heavier than the entry-level DSLRs. However, much of the weight is because of the excellent quality zoom lens that covers a wide range of focal lengths.

The 20.1 Megapixel 1-inch sensor on this camera is acquired from its predecessor, the RX10 II. Coupled with the Zeiss optics, the sensor outperforms many of the newer bridge cameras.

The lens offers a variable fast aperture of f/2.8 on the wide end and f/4.4 on the tele.

Like other bridge cameras, the RX10 Mark III also supports a full manual mode where you can choose the aperture, shutter, and ISO as per your creative choice. It also offers the aperture and shutter priority modes as well as Auto mode.

The RX10 III is capable of capturing RAW files, which gives you more light data to work with during post-production.

The built-in pop-up flash on the camera comes in handy in low-light shooting conditions such as evenings and indoors.

It features a decent AF System that provides 25 focus points, which is low by the current market standard. That said, it’s very speedy to focus the camera.

When you have focus locked, you can do a burst shooting at 14fps with JPEGs and can shoot RAW files at 8fps. However, the speed slows down to 5fps with continuous focus.

The native ISO range on the RX10 III is 100 to 12800 and can be extended to ISO 64 and 80 on the lower end. The image remains mostly grainless up to ISO 6400; after that, the appearance of grain increases.

The electronic viewfinder on the camera is built around an XGA OLED screen and boasts a resolution of 2.36-million dots. It’s responsive and bright and offers a 0.7x magnification. An eye sensor is also incorporated that allows the seamless switch between LCD and Viewfinder.

The rear display is a 3-inch tilting LCD that’s sharp and vivid and has an impressive 1.23 million dot resolution. The luminance of the screen is high, which makes it visible even on bright sunny days. The only downside is that it doesn’t support touch controls.

Shutter speeds can go as high as 1/32000 sec with the electronic shutter and 1/4000 with the mechanical.

In terms of video capabilities, the RX10 III supports 4K recording at 24p/30p, while full HD videos can be recorded at 24, 30, 60 or 120P.

There is also support for slow-motion videos, and HFR (high frame rate) functions enable recording of motion at 240,480 till 960fps.

As per the CIPA rating, this camera can shoot 420 images using the LCD and 370 pictures with the viewfinder per full charge.

The battery charges in-camera as there’s no external charge supplied in the box. We recommend buying an external charger and an extra battery if you’re planning to use the video feature extensively.

The RX10 Mark III comes with various ports:a micro HDMI, a micro USB, and standard 3.5mm mic and headphones jack.

It also includes NFC and Wi-Fi and works with Sony’s PlayMemories smartphone app to quickly transfer photos.

While connected with the app, you can use your smartphone to control exposure and other settings and use the screen for touch focus.

All in all, this is a nifty camera that offers fast shooting and a long reach, allowing your images to shine in a wide range of situations.

Though Sony has featured heavily in our search for the best bridge camera, it’s with good reason. These bridge cameras offer great image quality and give you plenty of bang for your buck.

Zadnje besede

While the number of smartphone camera users has grown considerably, bridge cameras really do offer a unique proposition.

They offer a combination of fantastic picture quality, creative freedom, and affordability that can easily take your images to the next level.

What separates these compact mirrorless cameras from DSLRs and smartphones is the fixed zoom lenses with incredible focal range and a much larger sensor than a smartphone.

If you’re looking for the best bridge camera for you, we’re confident you’ll find it on this list. Happy shooting!

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  4. Najboljši fotoaparat za portretno fotografijo
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