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Najboljši monopod za fotografe

Po nekaj letih člankov o Shotkitu sem končno uspel napisati enega o najboljšem monopodu! Vidite, naš skromni enonožni prijatelj ni prva stvar na seznamu želja večine fotografov ...

Če sem popolnoma iskren, sem šele pred kratkim za svoje fotografije dejansko uporabljal monopod. Vedno sem vedel za njihov obstoj, toda njihova uporaba ... no, vse skupaj me je nekoliko zmedlo!

Ta pregled je bil nekakšno razodetje v moji profesionalni fotografski karieri. Ker sem bil prisiljen pregledati več najboljših monopodov in jih uporabiti v resničnih situacijah, je prinesel novo spoštovanje teh edinstvenih izdelkov.

Zdaj sem prepričan, da čeprav monopod morda ni prva stvar, ki jo priporočamo fotografu, je vsekakor eno od orodij, ki bi ga morali upoštevati, ne glede na vašo raven.

(Prav tako je sreča, da so običajno veliko bolj dostopni kot drugi dodatki za fotoaparat.)

V tem priročniku bom predstavil enonožce, ki se mi zdijo najboljši za denar v letu 2022, in poudaril, zakaj bi si ga sploh želeli :-)

Začnimo z mojimi priporočili, da odgovorimo na vprašanje:Kateri je najboljši monopod leta 2022?

Najboljši monopod leta 2022

Slika Izdelek Funkcije
  • 139,7 cm / 55 in
  • 41 cm / 16,1 in
  • 0,7 kg / 1,54 lbs
  • 151 cm / 59,4 in
  • 49 cm / 19,2 in
  • 0,5 kg / 1,1 lbs
  • 150 cm / 59,1 in
  • 41,4 cm / 16,3 in
  • 0,5 kg / 1,1 lbs
Sirui P-306
  • 152,4 cm / 60 in
  • 38,1 cm /15in
  • 0,5 kg / 1,1 lbs
Benro Adventure 4
  • 191 cm / 75,2 in
  • 54 cm / 21,2 in
  • 0,83 kg / 1,85 lbs

1. Manfrotto XPRO

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Izbira urednika

Razširjeno: 139,7 cm (55 in.)
Povlečeno: 41 cm (16,1 in.)
Teža: 700 g (1,54 lbs)
Material: Aluminij

Če ste na trgu za prvovrstno podporo za fotoaparate, vendar bi radi zmanjšali količino, boste morda želeli preveriti Manfrottovo ponudbo monopodov XPRO.

Z različnimi monopodi, vključenimi v ponudbo, je več kot verjetno, da boste lahko našli nekaj, kar vam bo ustrezalo.

Še posebej enega, Manfrotto XPRO aluminijastega 5-delnega monopoda, si je vredno podrobneje ogledati. Ta podpora za kamero je odlična stvar, če potujete, saj je zelo lahka in kompaktna in jo je zato zelo enostavno prenašati s seboj.

S samo 1,54 funta (0,7 kg) in 16,14 palcev (41 cm), ko je popolnoma zaprt, je aluminijast XPRO zelo priročen. Vendar to ne pomeni, da boste morali težo zamenjati za funkcionalnost, saj se razteza na velikodušnih 55,51 palcev (141 cm) in lahko varno prenese več kot 13 funtov (5,8 kg) tovora.

Če vam bolj ustreza eleganten videz, se lahko odločite za različico monopoda XPRO iz ogljikovih vlaken. Čeprav zagotovo dodaja bling, to ni vse, kar ponuja. Z 1,37 funta (0,62 kg) je nekoliko lažji od aluminijaste različice in ima večji doseg.

Popolnoma pospravljen, karbonski XPRO je daljši z nekaj več kot 19 palci (48,3 cm), vendar to dodatno dolžino nadomesti z razširitvijo na več kot 69,3 palcev (176 cm) ali skoraj 14 palcev (35,6 cm) več kot aluminijasta različica. . Vendar upoštevajte, da ima manjšo obremenitev, ki znaša 11 funtov.

Čeprav imata oba monopoda pomembne razlike, imata tudi veliko skupnih lastnosti. Obe podpori imata vijak 3/8″ za pritrditev na glavo po vaši izbiri, vendar ga je mogoče umakniti in razkriti vijak 1/4″, ki vam omogoča neposredno namestitev fotoaparata.

Oba monopoda XPRO imata hitri električni zaklep, ki uporabniku omogočata hitro razporeditev in nastavitev nog (podobno kot pri tem priljubljenem stativu). To omogoča strelcu, da doseže najboljše možne kote, pri tem pa se izogiba tresljajem fotoaparata. Opremljeni so tudi z novim dizajnom gumijastega grelnika za noge, ki naj bi olajšal, hitrejše in varnejše rokovanje z njimi.

XPRO so odlični za fotografije, a če snemate tudi videoposnetke, boste veseli, da sta oba monopoda združljiva s tekočimi glavami Manfrotto kot tudi s podstavkom FLUIDTECH, ki dodaja veliko večjo stabilnost.

Ti monopodi Manfrotto zagotavljajo izjemno zmogljivost in z malo nege lahko dobro delujejo zelo dolgo. Za takšno kakovost pa lahko pričakujete, da boste plačali premijo.

S ceno sto dolarjev za aluminijast monopod XPRO in več kot 200 dolarjev za različico iz ogljikovih vlaken so zagotovo na voljo cenejše možnosti, a kot dolgoročna naložba so ta orodja vredna dodatnega denarja.

2. Manfrotto 290

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Izbira urednika

Razširjeno: 151 cm (59,4 in.)
Povlečeno: 49 cm (19,2 in.)
Teža: 500 g (1,1 lbs)
Material: Ogljikova vlakna

Ko fotografirate na poti, postane mobilnost prav tako pomembna kot fotoaparat in objektiv, ki ju nosite, zato boste morali skrbno izbrati opremo. Zlasti podpore za kamero vas ponavadi upočasnijo, razen če seveda izberete pravega.

Če morate biti okretni, potem so monopodi Manfrotto 290 prava stvar. Pri samo 1,1 funta (0,5 kg) za različico iz ogljikovih vlaken in 1,19 funta (0,54 kg) za aluminijast monopod, boste komaj opazili dodatno koristno obremenitev, tako da lahko potujete ves dan in se ne boste naveličali tovoriti naokoli.

Poleg zanemarljive razlike v teži in dejstva, da ima karbonska 290 nekoliko tanjše segmente, imata obe različici 290 enake specifikacije. Popolnoma zaprti merijo 19,29 palca (49 cm) in se odprejo do 59,45 palca (151 cm). Oba sta tudi ocenjena za nosilnost 11,02 funta (5 kg).

Glede na težo Manfrotto 290 boste želeli uporabiti ustrezno usklajen fotoaparat in objektiv, da zagotovite najboljšo zmogljivost. To pomeni, da če uporabljate težko opremo, je verjetno bolje, da kupite nekaj robustnejšega.

Namestitev in prilagoditev 290 je enostavna, saj oba modela uporabljata zapahe za preklopno ključavnico. Ti vam omogočajo, da se hitro pripravite tudi v najožjem prostoru. Segmenti nog so prav tako sestavljeni iz cevi v obliki črke D, ki preprečujejo, da bi se monopod odkotalil, ko je naslonjen na steno ali rob.

Trenutno se aluminij 290 prodaja za nekaj več kot 50 dolarjev, karbonska različica pa le nekaj več kot 90 dolarjev.

Čeprav te cene ne bodo zlomile banke, so zagotovo na voljo cenejše možnosti. Če pa iščete takšnega, ki je zanesljiv in bo zdržal kar nekaj časa, so to zagotovo tisti, v katere morate investirati.

Poleg tega blagovna znamka izstopa, zato bi bil tak izdelek odličen dodatek k vašem kompletu.

Medtem ko so monopodi Manfrotto 290 odlično orodje, se morate zavedati, da niso za težko uporabo. Namesto tega so zasnovani tako, da ostanete lahki in zelo mobilni, tako da lahko izkoristite vsako fotografsko priložnost, ki se vam ponudi.

3. Element Manfrotto

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Izbira urednika

Razširjeno: 150 cm (59,1 in.)
Povlečeno: 41,4 cm (16,3 in.)
Teža: 500 g (1,1 lbs)
Material: Aluminij

Če iščete podporo za kamero, s katero bi se lahko z lahkoto spopadli s svojim težkim DSLR-jem in objektivom, je na voljo kar nekaj dragih možnosti. Če pa ne želite zapravljati, a vseeno želite nekaj z vrhunskim občutkom, potem je monopod Manfrotto Element morda prava stvar.

Medtem ko bi od Manfrotta pričakovali, da bo nekaj na dražjem koncu spektra, to ne velja za Element s petimi kraki. Pri približno 40 dolarjih je ta podpora vsekakor nekaj, o čemer ne bi bilo treba veliko razmišljati.

Manfrotto Element je na voljo v rdeči in črni barvi (ki ima nekoliko višjo ceno) in ima aluminijasto konstrukcijo. Je zelo lahka pri samo 1,1 funta (0,5 kg), tako da vam ne bo dodatno obremenil. To je pomembna stvar, ki jo morate upoštevati, zlasti če imate že polne roke dela s prevažanjem vse ostale opreme.

Element se odpre do velikodušnih 59 palcev (150 cm), tako da bi moral biti uporabnik, katerega višina spada v povprečno območje, z njim dokaj udoben. Ko je popolnoma zaprt, meri samo 16 palcev (41 cm). To pomeni, da se prilega običajnemu nahrbtniku in ne bo otežil premikanja.

Ena stvar, ki jo boste opazili, je, da nima preklopnih ključavnic kot drugi monopodi. Namesto tega uporablja vrtljive ključavnice, da pritrdi vsakega od petih delov na svoje mesto. This makes it a bit slower to deploy but, then again, twist locks are quite secure so you won’t have to worry about it collapsing unexpectedly.

As far as mounting goes, the Element has both 3/8″ and 1/4″ screws. But, unlike pricier models that come with retractable screws, you’re going to have to manually flip to 3/8″ if you’re attaching a head or 1/4″ if you’re mounting a camera directly.

The top section of the monopod comes with a leg warmer that helps improve handling by enhancing your grip. This means that it is less likely to slip from your hands. It also comes with a wrist strap that keeps it securely tethered to your arm.

To add to safety, the Element comes with a metal spike that’s replaces the monopod’s standard foot. This accessory is meant to help anchor the support on soft surfaces like soil and keep it from slipping.

Though it is a bit more cumbersome to use than a fast-deploying flip-lock monopod, the Element is nonetheless, a very good buy. For its price and for what it can do, not to mention the prestige of its branding, grabbing one for your kit is a very good idea.

4. Sirui P-306

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Editor's Choice

Extended: 152.4 cm (60 in.)
Retracted: 38.1 cm (15 in.)
Weight: 5oo g (1.1 lbs)
Material: Aluminum

If you’re on the hunt for an excellent monopod that’s budget friendly , then you should definitely check out the Sirui P-306. Priced a little under 60 bucks, this monopod certainly gives a lot of value for money and can definitely hold its own against competing products.

At just 1.1 pounds (.56kg) the P-306 isn’t what you’d call heavy. In fact, for what it can do and how much it can carry, it’s probably something that you’d want to have around every time you’re out shooting. It is very well-built and is capable of hoisting 17.6 pounds (8 kg) of weight so attaching a full-frame DSLR with a big telephoto zoom isn’t out of the question.

Unlike many other monopods, the P-306 doesn’t have flip locks but this isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Yes, not having this feature means that the monopod may not extend or retract quite as fast but, then again, you can count on it to provide more peace of mind because the twist locks it uses won’t come undone accidentally.

This monopod is made up of six sections and extends to a maximum height of 60.6 inches (155 cm). This means that it can be comfortably used by most people including those who are shorter or a little taller than the average.

Bringing it around isn’t hard at all since it collapses down to just 15 inches (39 cm). This means that you can clip it onto the side of a backpack or shove it into a bag, thus ensuring that it never gets in the way while you’re on the move.

For added stability , the P-306 comes with a rubber foot that can be retracted to reveal a spike. This feature is very useful for shooting on soft ground as it will keep the monopod and its payload from slipping and falling.

Its top section aids in keeping things secure with has a rubber grip that allows for better handling. It also includes a wrist strap and carabiner/compass combo to ensure that the support remains firmly in your grasp and that you can keep yourself oriented properly.

If you’re planning on using it with a head, you will be able to do so thanks to the 3/8″ screw that it comes with. Additionally, you can flip this screw upside down to reveal a 1/4″ tread that will allow you to attach your camera directly to the monopod.

If the P-306’s features appeal to you yet, aluminum isn’t your material of choice, you can opt to get the carbon fiber version. Known as the Sirui P-326, this model comes in at around a hundred dollars and shares most of its specs with the aluminum version. It is lighter however at .99 pounds (.45kg) and has a higher load capacity of 22 pounds (10 kg).

5. Benro Adventure 4

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Editor's Choice

Extended: 191 cm (75.2 in.)
Retracted: 54 cm (21.2 in.)
Weight: 830 g (1.85 lbs)
Material: Aluminium

If you’re on the taller side or are just looking for a strong, unobtrusive camera support with a lot of reach , then the Benro Adventure 4 Series monopods are what you need.

The Adventure 4 is available in aluminum and carbon fiber and both are capable of lifting a hefty 40 pound (18kg) payload. This is more than enough for even the heaviest DSLRs and lenses so you won’t have to risk overloading them and compromising the safety of your gear.

The aluminum model weighs in at just 1.85 lb (0.84 kg) while the carbon fiber version comes in at 1.37 lb (0.62 kg).

Like any other monopod, they come with both 3/8″ and 1/4″ screws that allow users to attach a head or, if need be, mount their camera directly to the support. For the Adventure 4s, this screw is flipped over to expose the thread required for the application.

Both of these monopods are composed of five sections. The aluminum variant extends to a maximum of 75.2 inches (191 cm) while the carbon fiber model stands slightly shorter at 72 inches (183 cm).

This makes them ideal for users who are taller than average as they will not have to stoop down to shoot.

They’re also ideal for those who want to take high angle shots without having to perch their gear precariously or rely on heavy, bulky tripods.

Fully closed, the Adventure 4s are even at 20.7 inches (52.5 cm) making them very easy to carry along, shove into a bag or strap to the side of a camera backpack (see reviews). Given their negligible weight, chances are, you won’t even notice they’re there.

Deploying the Benro Adventure 4 is quick and easy thanks to the flip locks that hold their legs in place. This feature allows a photographer to set up much faster and be ready to take advantage of any shooting opportunity that comes along.

They also come equipped with a closed-cell rubber sheath at their top sections to improve grip and handling.

Other monopods come with a rubber foot but, the Adventure 4 has something else. To keep them planted on the ground, Benro has opted to put in a swivel pod which lets users position at any angle without worrying too much about the stability of the footing. In addition, the they can also be fitted with an optional three-foot articulating base for added security.

At 70 dollars for the aluminum model and $155 for the carbon fiber variant the Benro Adventure 4 monopods aren’t the cheapest options available. But, given what they can do, they can certainly be considered a pretty good deal.

How to Choose a Camera Monopod

Due to the huge number of monopods on the market in 2022, I’ve tried my best to keep this selection brief and to the point.

I’m aware that there are many other more advanced monopods, featuring exotic materials, technical ball heads, rubber feet and much more, but for the majority of photographers, it’s unnecessary and over-priced.

Sure, if you’re a sports photographer who uses a monopod every working day to support your DSLR with 400mm lens, go get that latest $500+ model… but for the rest of us, the ones recommended here provide much better bang for your buck.

That’s not to say that any one them are cheap and nasty, however. One quick Amazon search for monopods reveals a slew of dubious quality models at bargain basement prices, made by a brand you’ve never heard of before.

I’d exercise caution with anything with a price that seems too good to be true – despite monopods not having a great deal of working parts, they still need to support your expensive equipment. Invest in something that will do it safely and securely!

Pogosta vprašanja

What is a camera monopod used for?

A monopod is used to stabilise a camera to achieve a steady shot when taking a photograph. It can also be used to help distribute the weight of a heavy lens, or even to ‘pan’ the camera when photographing a subject in motion.

What is the best monopod?

Depending on your needs, there are different monopods to suit every photographer. Some may require extra-long monopods, or lightweight monopods, or even monopods with feet. Our number one all-round choice is the Manfrotto XPRO.

Why do I need a monopod?

If you need to stabilise your camera but don’t have the space for a fully extended tripod, a monopod can be the perfect compromise. Monopods are also smaller and lighter than tripods, and often cheaper too.

Does a monopod really help?

Monopods are one way to achieve a steadier shot than simply hand-holding your camera. You’ll be able to use a slower shutter speed, lower ISO, or smaller aperture, depending on your needs. Whilst obviously not as stable as a tripod, a monopod is great for times when you don’t have space or time to extend a tripod’s 3 legs.

Zadnje besede

A monopod is one of those photography tools that you may not ever realise you need, but once you use one, you won’t be able to do without it.

From stabilising your shot in a crowded place, to providing a much-needed rest for your muscles when using long lenses and heavy camera bodies, I urge you to try using a monopod at least once.

Personally, I rarely shoot in crowded places where I need a stable shot, and I never use long, heavy lenses. However, I find my monopod invaluable to get a much higher vantage point when shooting large group photos at weddings.

Monopods are so compact and lightweight that you can leave one stashed away under the seat of your car, ready to deployed in an instant.

I hope you enjoyed this article. Happy snapping!

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