Kako popraviti napako objektiva fotoaparata Canon | Samodejni izklop
Fotoaparat je verjetno eden najbolj zaželenih pripomočkov na svetu. Tudi pri nakupu mobilnega telefona in vseh drugih lastnostih se osredotočamo predvsem na kakovost fotoaparata. In kakovost te kamere se dejansko ocenjuje z ločljivostjo kamere, ki je odvisna od kakovosti leče.
Pri rokovanju s fotoaparatom so najpogostejše težave povezane z njegovim objektivom. Če je kamera vklopljena, leča izskoči in prilagodi ostrenje.
V tem članku bomo razpravljali o napaki objektiva v fotoaparatih Canon. Canon je priljubljena blagovna znamka za proizvodnjo objektivov za fotoaparate. Objektiv Canon EF 50 mm je ena izmed neverjetnih izdelkov Canon v tem letu.
Metode, o katerih bomo razpravljali spodaj, vam lahko pomagajo do neke mere podaljšati življenjsko dobo fotoaparata.
Obstaja toliko načinov, s katerimi lahko poskusite odpraviti težavo. Nekateri od njih lahko med poskusom popravila povzročijo dodatne težave.
Spodaj so torej navedene metode, za katere je najmanj verjetno, da bodo povzročile nadaljnje težave. Skočimo k potankosti odpravljanja napak na objektivu.
Kaj je napaka objektiva fotoaparata Canon
Pri fotoaparatih Canon je težava, povezana z objektivom, označena ali prikazana kot
»Napaka objektiva
Samodejno se bo izklopil
Znova zaženite kamero ”
Če se to besedilo pojavi na vašem zaslonu, je vaš fotoaparat v težavi, povezani z objektivom. Pri starejših modelih fotoaparatov Canon je ta težava omenjena kot »napaka E18«. Običajno drugi proizvajalci to označujejo kot napako povečave, napako ostrenja, napako dostopa itd.
Kako popraviti napako objektiva fotoaparata Canon
Težave, povezane z lečo, so predvsem problematično odpiranje ali umikanje leče. Včasih se leča sploh ne odpre. To je lahko usodno in povzroči zavrnitev kamere.
Torej, naj vas ne pustimo več čakati in si oglejte tehnike, kako odpraviti napako objektiva fotoaparata Canon.
Izklopite fotoaparat, odstranite baterije in za nekaj minut. Nato uporabite nov par baterij za ponovni zagon fotoaparata.
Nov par baterij bo zagotovil nekaj dodatne energije, ki jo je mogoče uporabiti za pospešitev zagonskega procesa.
Možno je, da stare baterije niso imele dovolj moči. Tako bodo nove baterije začele delovati, da bi se borile proti oviram, ki se pojavljajo pri odpiranju leče.
Če napako povzroča sprijeti pesek ali prah, obstaja precejšnja možnost, da jo boste odpravili z zamenjavo baterij.
Če napake ni povzročil pesek ali prah, lahko uporabite možnost »ponastavitve na tovarniške nastavitve«, če obstaja, in odprete meni fotoaparata. Pri nekaterih modelih lahko težavo rešite na ta način.
Namesto starih baterij izklopite fotoaparat, uporabite nov par baterij in ga nato vklopite.
Odstranitev pomnilniške kartice lahko pri nekaterih digitalnih fotoaparatih povzroči ponastavitev sistema, kar lahko odpravi napako.
Če se po uporabi te metode fotoaparat vklopi in vidite napako »E30«, ne bodite napeti. To pomeni, da pomnilniška kartica manjka. Torej vrnite pomnilniško kartico in jo znova vklopite.
Uporabite kabel AV. Vstavite kabel in vklopite kamero. The AV cable will keep the LCD screen and provide some extra power for the lens motor.
If any dust or sand is jamming the lens, in this way, the lens motor will have some more energy to deal with it.
Turn the camera on its rear part, pointing upward. Try turning on the camera while holding the shutter button. In this way, the lens will try to autofocus.
If this does not work, use an AV cable. Repeat the whole process, keeping the AV cable inserted. As the AV cable will keep the LCD screen off, the lens’s motor mechanism will have more power.
All of these methods are risk-free. Now comes the risky ones. Take necessary cautions while using them and use them at your own risk.
In this method, we will be using compressed air. The idea is to blow compressed air all the way around the outer and inner lens. It will clean up all the dust and sand. Switch on the camera and see if this works. You can also use this method while turning the camera on and off continuously. If this does not work, you can repeat the whole process keeping an AV cable inserted.
As the AV cable will offer more power for the lens motor, it increases the possibility to successfully deal with the dirt and sand that comes in the way.
If you don’t have compressed air with you, you can improvise the whole thing with a hairdryer. Just set the heat on cold.
You can use a paper piece to remove dirt and sand from between the lenses that keep it from working correctly.
Use the paper between the inner and outer lens and on the outside of the outer lens. Try not to go any further than 1cm, as it will cause you to damage or oust any inner parts.
Repeatedly tap the padded USB cover part on a hard surface or your palm. While tapping, keep the lens downwards. It will dislodge anything in between the lenses and jamming them.
Don’t tap the camera too hard, as it may damage any of the inner particles. You can also perform this process using a pen, pencil, or a slightly heavy object.
Keep the camera downwards facing. Now gently tap around the lens barrel. It will get the sand or anything that is stuck in between out.
If you face a partly extending lens, you can grab the lens and prevent it from retracting. Now clean the lens barrel following any of the methods explained earlier. Turn it off and again turn on and see if it extends any further. If yes, then repeat it further, as long as it does not extend completely.
If you notice a gap between the lenses or between the body and the lens is not even all the way around, it means the lens barrel has moved from its regular place.
So your goal is to move it back to its regular place. So, find out where the gap is biggest and push, pull, or twist the lens barrel until you hear a click, which will tell you that it is set.
After you turn on the camera after following this process, if you see the focus is off, take lots of photos and close-ups. The focus should improve slowly.
If none of these methods work for you, you can open the whole camera and clean it or replace the lens.
While attempting any of these methods, please see if you have a warranty on your camera. If yes, then use it. If you can afford to repair it from the manufacturer, do it. Only attempt to do the repair work on your own if you are under the situation that you will not be under any big loss if any permanent damage occurs while doing it on your own.
Thank you, and happy photographing.