How Can I Play a PC-DVD Game on My Computer?

PC-DVD games are designed for PC computers and not Macintosh/Apple brand computers. Computers must have a DVD-ROM drive to be able to play a PC-DVD game. Because DVD-ROM discs contain more storage space compared with a CD-ROM disc, more information can be kept on a single DVD-ROM compared with multiple CD-ROM discs. All the information on a PC-DVD game be stored on a single disc compared with being spread out over multiple CD-ROM discs.
How to play a PC-DVD game.
1. korak

Prepričajte se, da uporabljate računalnik, združljiv s PC-DVD. Apple računalnikov ni mogoče uporabiti za igranje računalniške igre PC-DVD.
2. korak

Preverite, ali ima računalnik pogon DVD-ROM. Na zunanji strani računalnika na pogonu se prikaže logotip DVD -ja. Primerni so tudi pogoni DVD R/RW.
3. korak

Vstavite igro PC-DVD v pogon DVD-ROM. Zaprite pogon DVD-ROM in navodila za namestitev naj se samodejno pojavijo. If the instructions do not come up automatically, they can be manually brought up as well by clicking the "START" menu, then "My Computer," and double-click the drive where the game is located.
4. korak

Za namestitev igre sledite navodilom na zaslonu. Navodila vključujejo, kje shraniti informacije o igri. Novejše računalniške igre morajo vstopiti v ključ izdelka, ki se nahaja na zadnji strani ohišja DVD-ROM ali na notranji strani. Običajno je 16-mestna številka v slogu (xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx). Nekatere igre zahtevajo, da računalnik izpolnjuje določene zahteve. Kaj bo igra potrebna, bo navedeno na embalaži igre.
5. korak

Ko je igra v celoti nameščena, jo je mogoče igrati. Če je na namizju računalnika postavljena povezava, je za začetek igre lahko dvojno kliknite. Otherwise, locate where the game was installed and double-click the game title. Igra bi se morala začeti. To be able to play, the DVD-ROM must be in the DVD-ROM drive.
Some PC-DVD games will not run depending on the computer's operating system. Some older computer games will not work if the computer is running Windows 7.
Some PC-DVD games will run slowly if the computer barely needs the requirements to play the game. Many PC-DVD game packages will now list "Recommended" requirements along with basic requirements. Following the "Recommended" requirements ensures the game will run smoothly. Barely meeting the minimum requirements to play the game will sometimes result in slow/sluggish game play.
Do not try to play a PC-DVD game on a computer that does not have a DVD-ROM drive. The computer may not warn that it cannot install the game, which may result in further problems with the computer.