Pregled najboljših 8 najboljših 6,5 zvočnikov na trgu v letu 2022
Ste naveličani dolgočasnih avtomobilskih zvočnikov z zvenečim kositrom? No, potem je čas, da začnete nakupovati par odličnih 6,5-palčnih zvočnikov. Glede na to, da je na trgu toliko koaksialnih zvočnikov, ki lahko nadomestijo vaš osnovni zvok, je lahko precej težko vedeti, kje začeti.
Zato smo sestavili ta pregled najboljših 6,5 zvočnikov, ki so trenutno na trgu, da boste lahko začeli svojo avanturo.
Torej, pojdimo skozi njih, začenši z ...
Top 8 najboljših 6.5 zvočnikov, ki jih je treba upoštevati pri ocenah leta 2022
- Koaksialni zvočniki Kicker DSC650 – najboljša vrednost za vaš denar 6,5 zvočniki
- 6,5-palčni srednjetonski avtomobilski zvočnik Rockford Fosgate PPS4-6 – najbolj vsestranski 6,5-palčni zvočnik
- JBL CLUB6520 6,5″ 2-smerni koaksialni avtomobilski zvočniki – najboljši nizkocenovni 6,5 zvočniki
- HERTZ HCX165 6,5 2-sistemski visokoenergijski koaksialni zvočniki – najboljši vrhunski 6,5 zvočniki
- Rockford Fosgate R165X3 – najmočnejši 6,5 zvočniki
- OSD Audio 70V Commercial Patio Pro zvočniki – najboljši zunanji 6,5 zvočniki
- 6,5-palčni koaksialni zvočniški sistem Infinity Kappa 62IX – 6,5-palčni zvočniki, ki jih je najlažje namestiti
- Avtozvočniki BOSS Audio Systems CH6530 – najbolj vzdržljivi 6,5 zvočniki
Koaksialni zvočniki Kicker DSC650 – najboljša vrednost za vaš denar 6,5 zvočniki
Kickerjevi dvosmerni koaksialni zvočniki DSC650 so par 240 W zvočnikov, ki zagotavljajo veliko boljšo kakovost zvoka kot kateri koli standardni zvočnik v vašem vozilu. Ponuja kristalno čist in uravnotežen zvok s 6,5-palčnimi nizkotonci iz polipropilena in kupolastimi visokotonci PEI.
Vitek in eleganten ...
Zahvaljujoč ozkemu profilu in elegantnemu dizajnu se zvočniki prilegajo v prostor za zvočnike vašega vozila. Moderne rešetke izgledajo odlično. Poleg tega priloženi vijaki, sponke in žični konektorji poskrbijo, da je priklop le-teh na vaš standardni radijski sistem tako preprost kot kdaj koli prej.
Vendar pa luknje za vijake v sistemu nekaterih vozil morda ne bodo pravilno poravnane z novimi zvočniki, vendar je bila to majhna težava, ki so jo zlahka odpravili.
Pridobite nekaj moči ...
Zvočniki imajo frekvenčni razpon 90 decibelov, kar pomeni, da so lahko zelo glasni. Zvočniki imajo standardno impedanco 4 ohme in do 60 RMS vatov .
Če iščete odlično zvočno zamenjavo za vaš standardni avdio sistem, ne iščite dlje kot zvočnike Kicker DSX650.

- Dobra kakovost zvoka.
- Počisti visoke frekvence.
- Cena.
- Morda ne ustreza originalnim luknjam za vijake.
Rockford Fosgate PPS4-6 6,5-palčni srednjetonski zvočniki za avto – najbolj vsestranski 6,5-palčni zvočnik
Rockford Fosgate je dobro poznan med ljubitelji avtomobilskega zvoka. Ti avtomobilski zvočniki 6,5 srednjega razreda zagotavljajo kakovost zvoka, ki je daleč višja od katerega koli standardnega avdio sistema, kar je popolno za vsakodnevne vožnje v službo ali potovanja.
Vsak par zvočnikov ima 400 vatov moči in nazivne impedance 4 ohmov.
Predimenzionirani motorji, ki so bili vgrajeni v zvočnike, so opremljeni z visokotemperaturnimi zvočnimi tuljavami in stožci iz papirja, ojačanega z vlakni. Vse to skupaj z valovito krpo za obdelavo, ki obdaja zvočnike, pomaga ohranjati visoko popačenje glasnosti na minimumu.
Jasno in svetlo ...
Srednje in visoke frekvence zvenijo brezhibno, vendar zaradi pomanjkanja dejanskega nizkotonca nizkotonci na teh zvočnikih ne morejo iti tako nizko, kot bi si nekateri poslušalci želeli. Nizkotonci na teh zvočnikih ponujajo odličen zvok srednjih nizkih tonov, ki je topel in dobro zaobljen.
S temi zvočniki je mogoče uporabljati standardne zvočne sisteme, a če želite resnično izkoristiti vseh 400 vatov, jih priključite na ojačevalnik in bodo resnično zasijali.
Enostavna namestitev ...
Tudi zasnova zvočnikov je videti odlično, z dostojnimi rešetkami in strojno opremo za pritrditev, ki jo je enostavno namestiti in namestiti na vsa vozila.

- Odličen srednji in srednji bas.
- Univerzalno prileganje.
- S povezavo z ojačevalnikom bo zvok boljši.
JBL CLUB6520 6,5″ 2-smerni koaksialni avtomobilski zvočniki – najboljši nizkocenovni 6,5 zvočniki
JBL-jevi zvočniki CLUB6520 so izdelani iz izjemno trpežnega polipropilena, ki je UV odporen . Nizkotonci so narejeni tako, da prenesejo stalne tresljaje vozil med vožnjo. PEI uravnoteženi kupolasti visokotonci ponujajo vrhunsko zvočne visoke frekvence, razpon odziva zvočnika pa je od 55 Hz do 20 kHz.
6,5-palčni zvočniki imajo manjšo moč kot prejšnji zvočniki na seznamu, saj jih par zagotavlja le 150 vatov. Njihova impedanca je 4 ohme.
Klasični JBL stil ...
Vendar jih je enostavno namestiti, saj imajo nekaj čudovitih črnih rešetk in rdečih poudarkov, ki so glavna sestavina izdelkov JBL. S to zasnovo se zvočniki zlahka prilegajo estetiki katerega koli vozila. Če jih priključite na ojačevalnik, boste povečali njihovo zmogljivost, lahko pa jih povežete tudi neposredno z vašim osnovnim sistemom.

- Hrustljavo vrhunsko.
- Enostaven za namestitev.
- Izgleda odlično.
- Manjša moč kot zvočniki drugih znamk.
HERTZ HCX165 6,5 2-sistemski visokoenergijski koaksialni zvočniki – najboljši vrhunski 6,5 zvočniki
Visokoenergijski zvočniki Hertz HCX165 imajo prevelike zvočnike in zvočne tuljave iz čistega bakra, kar zvočnikom pomaga doseči kristalno čiste visoke frekvence, hkrati pa ohranja zelo uravnotežen srednji ton.
Prilagodite okusu...
Prigušena mrežasta vlakna imajo aerodinamična tesnila ki pomagajo pri kakršnem koli popačenju, ki se lahko zgodi, ko se glasnost poveča. Rotacijske visokofrekvenčne konture so narejene tako, da lahko uporabnik enostavno nastavi smer visokotoncev po svojem okusu. To ne samo da vam ponuja vrsto možnosti, ampak tudi izjemno enostavno namestitev.
Nič ne škodi, da tudi izgledajo odlično, ne glede na to, v katero vozilo so nameščeni.
Zasnovan za delovanje ...
Zasnova zvočnikov je veliko bolj zapletena kot večina drugih na seznamu. And feature soft iron plates and radial vents that improve the dissipation of the heat, as well as the superbly made cones that provide smooth feedback and an excellent frequency range.
With so many excellent features, there is one caveat, and that is the price. These are more expensive than the other speakers in our review, but if you want the best materials and features, these are well worth the extra asking price.

- Adjustable tweeters.
- Excellent high-end frequencies.
- Price.
Rockford Fosgate R165X3 – Most Powerful 6.5 Speakers
The second set of Rockford Fosgate’s in our Best 6.5 Speakers review, these three-way coaxial 6.5-inch speakers offer an excellent sound that is well balanced and clear.
Full sounding but lacks low end…
These speakers have vacuumed polypropylene cones with silk dome piezo tweeters that offer a very dynamic midrange, clear and full. Some 6-decibel integrated speakers offer full-range audio. With this pairing, you are offered an excellent listening experience beyond the likes of any vehicle’s stock audio system.
Our only complaint would be that these speakers have the least amount of low-end of any of the speakers in our review.
Good overall response…
The speakers have a nominal impedance of 4-ohms, as is with all the speakers on the list. They also have a great RMS power handling of 45W.
The frequency response is great as well, ranging between 52Hz and 20kHz. That said, the very low-end frequencies, between 50Hz to 400Hz, don’t come through as much as we’d like.
The speakers look great as well, with great looking grilles and trim rings to match.

- Excellent sound reproduction.
- High-quality design and materials.
- Lacks bass.
OSD Audio 70V Commercial Patio Pro Speakers – Best Outdoor 6.5 Speakers
These speakers aren’t automobile speakers. These are outdoor patio speakers made for exterior use. If you enjoy the summers out on the patio or maybe in the pool, there is no better way to enhance the experience than adding some great sounding speakers.
These speakers have been made to be weatherproof with an IPX6 rating , meaning they are water and dustproof.
Add as many as you need…
These 70V speakers are easily chained together, which means you can add as many of these speakers around your home or outdoor area with a range of different taps, including 4W, 8W, and 32W taps.
The flexible wall mounts make installation easy with a 180-degree adjustable mount and 60-degree tilt.
Safe and secure…
The design is very modern, and the sealed internal cabin keeps the electronic components safe from the environment.

- IPX-6 water and dustproof.
- Great outdoor sound.
- Easily chained.
- Price.
Infinity Kappa 62IX 6.5″ Coaxial Speaker System – Easiest to Install 6.5 Speakers
The Infinity Kappa 62IX 6.5-inch speakers are a perfect match for replacing old, blown-out stock speakers in your vehicle. The hi-roll rubbers on the cone woofers keep distortion to a minimum when things get loud. And the 1-inch textile dome tweeters sound as crisp as ever.
Installation is made super easy, with two different mounting brackets included, which should fit all vehicles. The slim fit also helps with installation, requiring the bare minimum of customizing before the set fits.
Watch out for high-end…
These speakers have separate magnets and tweeters, which help with the clarity of the music. There is a decent amount of bass present here, which made us smile. Although, the high frequencies seem a little blown out, which can make cymbals ear piercingly loud. So we recommend adding some form of a low-pass filter on them.
The speakers sound amazing at high and low volumes, perfect for DIY car enthusiasts who want a better sounding system but don’t want to spend huge amounts of cash on amplifiers and large sets of speakers.

- Great sound, even without an amplifier.
- Price.
- A low-pass filter is needed to smooth out the sound.
BOSS Audio Systems CH6530 Car Speakers – Most Durable 6.5 Speakers
BOSS Audio Systems CH6530 car speakers are durable speakers made from polyurethane. They offer a superb sound with crystal clear highs and a decent, warm mid-bass.
The voice coils can withstand high-temperatures, offering longer playing time without any fatigue.
Built to last…
The design of the speakers is built to withstand large amounts of vibration without breaking, and the stamped baskets offer a great platform for clear sound. The tweeters are resistant to overloads, making them more durable than most other speakers, as well as keeping the sound clear as day.
These speakers do lack a lot of bass, with a frequency range between 100Hz and 18kHz, with a 4-ohm impedance.

- Durable.
- Great mid-range sound.
- Price.
- Lacks bass.
Best 6.5 Speakers Buying Guide
Buying good quality aftermarket speakers can be challenging, especially if it is your first time. Getting a decent sounding set that will replace your stock speakers is important if you want to enhance your listening experience during your daily commute or road trips.
But installation can be difficult, especially if you have never done it before.
Why coaxial?
This is where coaxial speakers come in. These speakers are much easier to install, fitting right into the stock speaker holes or mounts, without much customization needed. They also don’t need amplification and can usually be hooked up to the stock radio without many issues.
Coaxial speakers are speakers that have the full range of frequencies, unlike large systems that have separate speakers for the different frequency ranges. They use mid-range woofers, paired with tweeters that are usually placed above the woofer, to provide the full spectrum of frequencies.
This mix of the two speakers allows the coaxial speakers to sound like a full setup without taking up as much space as component speakers. Perfect for the side of car doors, which don’t have a lot of space.
What’s the difference?
Component speakers, unlike coaxial ones, are separate speakers that make up the full range of human hearing. Tweeters, woofers, sub-woofers, and crossovers make up the setup of component speakers. These are larger setups and require much more space.
Installation is also much more difficult than coaxial speakers due to all the separate speakers. These setups usually require a number of different amplifiers as well; whereas coaxial speakers don’t necessarily need any additional amplification, your head unit’s amplifier should be enough.
Buying coaxial speakers can still present some problems, so here are a few things to keep in mind before buying coaxial speakers for your car or home.
The higher watts of the speakers, the more volume you will be able to get out of them. But beware, some higher watt speakers will require amplification to reach their full potential. The higher the RMS, the more power you will need. If you plan on installing the speakers directly to your stock radio, picking low to medium RMS speakers is best.
Materials are also important…
This will determine how durable the speakers will be. Most of the tweeters featured in this review are made from polyurethane, which results in mellow sounding speakers. They aren’t as durable but cut the cost significantly. The woofers of these speakers are mostly polypropylene.
Those with woven fabrics are better and more durable but usually cost more.
Looking for Something Else?
It has never been easier to get great audio in your ride. Check out our in-depth reviews of the Best Car Subwoofers, the Top Best Car Amplifiers, the Best Cassette Adapter, and the Best Competition Subwoofers you can buy in 2020.
Also, take a look at our reviews of the Best 6×8 Speakers, the Best Tailgate Speakers, the ION Audio Tailgater, and the Best Under Seat Subwoofers currently on the market.
So, what are the Best 6.5 Speakers?
Our top pick is the…
Kicker DSC650 Speakers
These offer the best quality sound and the easiest installation for the best price.
If you are looking for outdoor patio speakers, then the…
OSD Audio 70V Commercial Patio Pro Speakers
…will suit your needs. These are fully waterproof as well as dustproof, making them perfect for withstanding the elements.
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