Kako nadgraditi Soundbar v Jeep Wrangler
Vožnja z Jeepom Wranglerjem je fantastična izkušnja, še posebej ob poslušanju kakovostne glasbe iz zvočnika.
Na žalost niso vsi zvočniki soundbar najvišje kakovosti, vendar ne skrbite. Obstajajo preprosti načini, kako to popraviti. Torej, kako nadgraditi zvočnike Soundbar v Jeep Wrangler? Ugotovimo.
Na splošno se mora nadgradnja zvočne vrstice vašega Jeep Wranglerja začeti z dušitvijo zvoka v njeni notranjosti s ploščami iz butilne gume in napolnitvijo s poliestrskim polnilom, da se zvokom doda dinamika in zmanjša resonanca. Naslednji korak je zamenjava serijskih zvočnikov Soundbar z zvočniki poprodajnih.
V tem članku bom opisal vse podrobnosti zvočne vrstice Wrangler in podrobno opisal, kako jo nadgraditi v smislu obdelave zvoka in zamenjave zvočnikov.
Ali so Soundbars za vse Wranglerje enaki?
Soundbars za vse Jeep Wrangler zagotovo niso enaki.
Odvisno od znamke in modela vašega Wranglerja, ga boste morda imeli v stropu ali zadnjem varnostnem loku. Poleg tega ne morete kar kupiti katerega koli starega zvočnika za vaš Wrangler.
Preveriti boste morali, ali res ustreza vaši znamki in modelu Wrangler.
Ali se splača nadgraditi Soundbar za Jeep Wrangler?
Če ste pravi avdiofil, bi bilo koristno nadgraditi ali zamenjati zvočnike ali celotno zvočno vrstico, odvisno od tega, kje je nameščena. Takšna sprememba bi ponudila boljši splošni zvok z globokimi in polnejšimi basi.
Standardna tovarniška ohišja pogosto nimajo nizkih tonov. To je zato, ker preprosto niso pripravljeni na visoko zmogljive poprodajne zvočnike ali globokotonce.
Ker so leta 2015 Wranglerji dobili spodbudo v avdio oddelku, je standardni avdio sistem zrasel na 8 zvočnikov z dvema visokotoncema Soundbar.
Če bi se odločili za nadgrajeni stereo sistem Alpine, bi prejeli devet zvočnikov, vključno z nizkotoncem na dnu prtljažnika.
Ti zvočni sistemi in zvočniki so bili veliko boljši od Wranglerja pred modeli iz leta 2015. Standardni zvočni sistem, ki obsega osem zvočnikov, ima stereo, ki vključuje AM/FM/CD/MP3, ima SiriusXM in pomožni vhodni priključek.
Nadgrajeni paket Alpine je opremljen s standardnim stereo ali opcijskim navigacijskim sistemom. To vključuje tudi nizkotonec, ki je odporen na vremenske vplive.
Če se odločite za to pot, bi morala zamenjava stereo naprave s poprodajnim infotainment sistemom ponuditi presenetljivo boljšo nadgradnjo.
Vendar ne pozabite, da boste z zamenjavo stereo sistema OEM odstranili tovarniško navigacijo, satelitski radio in pomožni vhod.
Če izberete infotainment sistem, ki ponuja te funkcije, zamenjava ne bi smela biti težava, ker ta sistem vključuje vse primarne funkcije.
Kakšne velikosti so zvočniki v Jeep Soundbar?
Za modele Jeep Wrangler med letoma 2007 in 2017 so standardni tovarniški zvočniki OEM, ki se prilegajo zvočni vrstici, 6,5-palčni Mopar . Če želite neposredno zamenjati obstoječe zvočnike, preverite najnovejšo ceno na Amazonu.
Upoštevati je treba, da jih je mogoče zamenjati z večjimi zvočniki in celo paketi, za katere se lahko odločite ob nakupu vozila, lahko vključujejo večje zvočnike.
Ali potrebujem ojačevalnik za Soundbar?
Ojačevalec je vedno opcija, odvisno pa je od nameščenih zvočnikov. Ne pozabite, da dodate ojačevalnik, ki ustreza zvočnikom, in nikoli obratno.
Če uporabljate standardne stereo in serijske zvočnike proizvajalca originalne opreme, ki so bili priloženi vašemu Wranglerju, ne potrebujete ojačevalnika. Če pa nameravate namestiti nizkotonec ali močnejše poprodajne zvočnike, je vedno koristno namestiti ustrezen ojačevalnik.
Ojačevalnik bo zvočnikom pomagal doseči svoj polni potencial z dodatnimi prednostmi, kot je križanec za določene voznike.
Kako nadgraditi svoj Jeep Wrangler Soundbar?
Ni potrebno veliko, da nadgradite svoj soundbar, da izboljšate njegovo zmogljivost in splošno kakovost zvoka, kar pomeni, da vam za boljše rezultate ni treba zamenjati niti zvočnikov.
Lahko naredite nekaj korakov, da zagotovite boljšo zmogljivost podstavka in zvočnikov, da dosežete želeno kakovost zvoka iz zvočne vrstice Wrangler.
Po tem lahko vidite, kakšna je razlika v vaši splošni natančnosti zvoka, nato pa se lahko odločite za nakup poprodajnih zvočnikov.
Sprejete korake za nadgradnjo zvočne vrstice v vašem Wranglerju je mogoče uporabiti za katero koli vozilo, vse zvočnike in nizkotonce.
Če niste zadovoljni s številom zvočnikov ali splošno kakovostjo zvoka, lahko celotno zvočno vrstico zamenjate z DS18 TJ-SBAR/BK , pripravljen za namestitev ne dveh, temveč štirih 6,5-palčnih zvočnikov in ločenih visokotoncev.
S to zvočno vrstico in ustreznimi novimi zvočniki se bo vaša kakovost zvoka za vedno spremenila. Seveda bi še vedno morali dušiti zvok v tem ohišju, vendar vaša zvočna izkušnja iz štirih zvočnikov ne bo primerljiva s tistim, kar ste slišali.
Ali moram ugasniti Soundbar Soundbar v svojem Jeepu?
Če želite uživati v jasnem in dinamičnem zvoku, je nujna zaščita zvoka vaše zvočne palice ali katerega koli drugega ohišja zvočnikov.
Zmanjšanje in celo odpravljanje resonance je ključnega pomena za ustvarjanje boljšega splošnega zvoka. Ne pozabite, da zvok potuje po zraku v valovih in ti valovi bodo pritiskali na zvočniški modul ali kar koli drugega, kar se nahaja znotraj zvočnega modula, kar bo povzročilo tresenje teh elementov.
To tresenje povzroči resonanco, odbiti zvočni valovi pa lahko povzročijo neželen odmev, odmev in v nekaterih primerih učinek bučenja.
Ne pozabite, da bo glasnost, s katero predvajate glasbo, vplivala na to, kakšna bo resonanca, kar še posebej velja za nizkotonske zvočnike ali nizkotonske zvočnike z navzkrižnim prehodom, ki upravljajo nizke frekvence.
Nizke frekvence so največji in počasi premikajoči se zvočni valovi, pri visoki glasnosti pa ustvarjajo velik zračni pritisk.
Odstranjevanje zvočnikov in zvočne vrstice
Najboljši način, da začnete nadgrajevati zvočno vrstico, jo dušite in zamenjate zvočnike, je, da jo odstranite iz vašega Wranglerja, če imate to možnost. Veliko lažje bo odstraniti celotno zvočno vrstico in delati z ohišjem na mizi.
Najprej boste morali zvočnike odstraniti iz zvočnika, da se ne poškodujejo, in to je preprost postopek, ki zahteva le izvijač. Zvočniki so pritrjeni s štirimi vijaki.
Odstranite vijake in tako boste omogočili, da rešetka zvočnika in zvočniki pridejo ven. Vse, kar morate storiti potem, je, da odklopite zvočnike iz zvočniške žice in postavite zvočnike na varno mesto.
For the most part, the speaker wire will be attached to the speakers with crimp terminals or a speaker harness that you can unclip and pull out, so this should not cause too much of a problem.
Removing the actual soundbar is the next stop, and this will be easily done. There are typically six screws fastening the soundbar to the Wrangler frame, and once these are removed, the soundbar should be detached relatively easily.
Considering that some Jeep Wrangler models may not let you remove the soundbar, you will need to work with it still attached to the frame, but removing it and working with the soundbar on a level table would be easier.
What Tools Do I Need to Remove Soundbar From Jeep Wrangler?
There are a couple of accessories you will need to upgrade your soundbar, and I have added all my favorites to the list below. If you do not have any of them in your garage, I added links so you can easily purchase them from Amazon.
- Soundskins Sound Deadening Material
- Polyester Stuffing
- Crimp Speaker Wire Terminals
- Crimping Tool
- Heat Shrink
How to Upgrade Soundbar in Jeep Wrangler. A Step by Step Tutorial
The first and most important thing you will need to do is make sure that there is no rattling inside your soundbar.
This is critical, especially if you intend to install aftermarket speakers that produce more bass.
Wiring is the main culprit in your Wrangler soundbar when it comes to rattling. So what you will need to do is remove the wiring from the soundbar.
To remove the wire from the soundbar, you will first want to attach a piece of string at one end of the wiring harness. This is to make things easier once you have insulated the wire and push or pull it back in position.
Pulling on the string will pull it through, and you will easily be able to prop it back into its original position.
Just make sure to cut the string a little bit longer than what you measured or assumed the length of the wire to be because it is always better to have a little bit extra for safety’s sake.
To treat the wire, all you need to do is cut the length of closed-cell foam that is the length of the wire. Make sure it can wrap around the wire nice and snug, and if you need to shave off a couple of inches here and there, that is perfectly fine.
Using the tesa tape , you will begin at one end of the wire and wrap the tape around the foam, fastening it securely. The closed-cell foam will help keep the wire vibrations in check.
Now you can wrap the entire wire in tesa tape or cut and cover a wire section depending on how long it is. It is up to you, depending on how much tape you have.
Ensure that if you choose only to secure certain sections of the wire (the ends and middle), the wire does not fall out of the closed-cell foam.
Test this by giving it a good shake. If the wire comes out at a certain point, then all you need to do is wrap up those sections, and you are good to go.
Once you have removed the wires, you will first sound deaden the soundbar before any further steps.
The first thing you will do is to add pieces of Soundskins to the interior of the soundbar. It will help if you cut medium-sized square patches that will fill the speaker wholes’ areas.
If you can cut and place Soundskins (rectangular pieces) in the lengthy parts of the soundbar, this would be great.
Peel off the sticky section of the Soundskins and place it into the areas, and press firmly down. You can use a small roller for additional pressure, but this is not necessary.
The advantage of the Soundskins is that it has a closed-cell foam layer on top, further reducing to help reduce resonance, thus preventing loss of acoustic energy.
At this point, you are almost ready to re-install the wire. However, if you have chosen to install new aftermarket speakers, you will need to check the connection points of the speakers and the speaker wire.
If your new speakers have the same type of terminals as the old speakers, you are good to go.
However, in some instances, you may find that your speakers have terminals, and your speaker wire might have a harness or some other form of a connection point.
If this is the case, then it would be best to cut the wire and add the crimp terminals to the speaker wire making the installation process a lot easier. In addition, you can add a Heat Shrink to the end of the terminals to make sure you have no exposed wire.
Now that you have insulated your soundbar and wires, you can feed the wire back to its original position using the string by just pulling on it. If you choose not to use string, you may have a tough time getting the wires back into place.
Once the wires are in place, it is now time to add the polyester stuffing. Polyester stuffing will help with reducing the internal reflections (sound that bounces around inside the soundbar).
This stuffing will also make the air within the soundbar seem as if it is larger as it slows down the air and thus reduces the system resonance. This type of stuffing also works well with a soundbar because the filling can become sort of rigid in such a small space.
Stuffing should be done carefully, with the attempt to stuff every knock and hole within the soundbar, only leaving enough space for your speakers to fit.
All you need to do now is replace your speakers and mount them into the soundbar before putting the soundbar back in your Jeep Wrangler.
If you would prefer more of a visual guide, check out this short video:
Now you realize that Jeep Wranglers have various types of soundbars that they come with depending on the make and model.
I am not talking about home theater soundbars, but rather those placed within the Jeep for its sound system.
Although you do get an upgraded version of a sound system based on Alpine that comes with nine speakers, you might be better off upgrading your entire Wrangler sound system if you are looking for a truly unique car audio experience.
Upgrading your soundbar in your Jeep is not a master DIY project and can be achieved with a screwdriver and a couple of accessories used to sound treat the soundbar.
Even replacing the speakers is child’s play, and after this article, I know you will have all the information you need to create the best possible sound that your speakers can produce from your Jeep Wrangler soundbar.
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