Zakaj se moj avtoradio segreva? 5 preprostih načinov, kako to popraviti.
Če se vozite na kratke izlete v trgovino ali imate daljše izlete na plažo, boste zagotovo uporabljali avtoradio.
Poslušanje glasbe, podcastov ali celo predvajanje DVD-ja za otroke zahteva, da imate sistem, ki deluje gladko. Ugotoviti, zakaj se avtoradio segreje, je ena najpomembnejših stvari, ki si jih želite zamisliti.
Avtoradio se lahko pregreje zaradi številnih razlogov. Najpogostejši so napačne napeljave, prezračevalne naprave in nizkokakovostni stereo sistemi. Vsak od teh bo imel različne splošne učinke na to, kako boste uživali v svojem stereo sistemu na kratkih ali dolgih potovanjih. Če jih želite popraviti, morate ustvariti okolje, kjer bo imel stereo dovolj prezračevanja in zanesljivo ožičenje.
Ena najstrašnejših stvari, ki jih boste izvedeli o avtomobilskih stereo sistemih, je, da se lahko pregrejejo in zažgejo vaš avto, tudi če avtomobila niste uporabljali več dni.
V spodnjem članku bomo razpravljali o tem, zakaj se vaš avtoradio pregreva in kaj lahko storite, da preprečite, da bi vašo najljubšo križarko spremenil v nič več kot kup pepela.
Kaj lahko povzroči pregrevanje moje glavne enote?
Obstajajo trije glavni razlogi, zakaj se vaš avtoradio pregreje, in za vsakega je potrebna drugačna rešitev.

Če veste, kaj so in kako jih najti, je prvi korak k iskanju trajne rešitve za vaše težave z avtoradio.
Če začnete opažati nenavadno vedenje v vašem avtomobilskem stereo sistemu, potem so to tri stvari, na katere morate biti pozorni:
Pomanjkanje prezračevanja
Vse elektronske naprave potrebujejo nekaj prezračevanja, še posebej tiste, ki nimajo vgrajenih ventilatorjev. Ti sistemi bodo še vedno imeli odprte dele, kjer lahko vroč zrak uide, hladnejši zrak pa lahko hitro vstopi.
Enako lahko rečemo za avtomobilske stereo sisteme, pri čemer močnejši sistemi zahtevajo bolj zapletene prezračevalne sisteme, da odstranijo vso ustvarjeno toploto.
Večina avtomobilskih stereo naprav mora biti odprta vsaj na dveh straneh, pri čemer so pritrdilni nosilci edini deli, ki so v neposrednem stiku z glavno enoto, ki jo nameščate. Če sumite, da vaša glavna enota ne prejema dovolj zračenja, jo morate odstraniti in preveriti območje namestitve. Od tu bi morali zlahka videti kable, ki potekajo pod armaturno ploščo.
Slabo ožičenje
Včasih vaš avto morda ni najlepši na svetu in so ga vozili vsi člani vaše družine, preden ste ga dobili, vendar se zdi, da vaš novi stereo deluje dobro.
Tu se začne najnevarnejša vrsta pregrevanja avtomobilskih avdio sistemov; ne bodo vsi kabli v vašem avtu enako kakovostni. Če uporabljate žice, ki zagotavljajo previsoko napetost ali ne zmorejo zahtevane količine, boste v nevarni situaciji.
Če želite preizkusiti kable, ki so vključeni v avtoradio, jih boste morali preveriti, in če se je kateri pregreval, boste videli, da je plastična izolacija zlomljena, stopljena ali samo ožgana.
Če zagotovite, da se vaš stereo sistem ne pregreje zaradi slabe napetosti, ki jo prejema, vam lahko prihrani veliko časa in glavobolov.

Kakovost stereo enote
Za mnoge ljudi je najtežje pogoltniti tableto, da je težava ugodna znamka stereo naprave, ki so jo kupili za svoj avto.
Ljudje bodo pogosto želeli ostati pri najcenejši znamki, ki ji zaupajo, ko izvajajo prve nadgradnje svojega stereo sistema; včasih je proizvajalec avtomobilov storil enako.
Ti nizkokakovostni sistemi običajno ponujajo enake prednosti kot dražji avtomobilski stereo sistemi. Vendar le redko zagotavljajo enako raven raziskav, zaradi česar se stereo sistem pregreje, tudi ko ga vaša klimatska naprava hladi.
Pri nakupu dražjega stereo aparata ne gre le za pridobitev kakovosti blagovne znamke. To pomeni, da vaš stereo ne bo kmalu zažgal vašega avtomobila.
Kako veste, ali je avtoradio vroč?
Za razliko od računalnikov, ki vas opozorijo, ko se pregrejejo, stereo sistem običajno deluje, dokler se ne pokvari ali zažge avtomobila. Če se naučite meriti toploto avtoradia in ali je na nevarnem območju, boste lahko varno zaupali svojemu novemu stereo sistemu.
Obstajajo samo trije načini za merjenje temperature stereo sistema vašega avtomobila brez nameščanja dragih in preveč zapletenih sistemov za spremljanje temperature.
Dotaknite se Stereo enote
Če sumite, da se glavna enota med uporabo pregreva, jo boste najpreprosteje preizkusili tako, da se nekje ustavite in se je dotaknete. Če je sprednja plošča enote vroča na dotik, je to lahko znak, da je nekaj narobe. Velikokrat je to čas, ko morate radio čim prej odstraniti.
Ko enoto odstranite iz avtomobila, jo lahko priključite in preizkusite tako, da preprosto priključite sistem in zaženete vozilo. Predvajanje nekaj pesmi in uživanje v glasbi z odstranjeno enoto bi moralo povzročiti enak učinek. Če se radio ne segreje tako in se ga lahko dotaknete, je težava v prezračevanju.
Ali se radio hitro segreje?
Kot smo že omenili, vsa elektronika proizvaja določeno raven toplote in avtomobilski stereo sistemi bi se morali segrevati, medtem ko jih uporabljate tudi za najbolj sproščujoče vožnje. Vendar bi moralo trajati precej časa, da postane enota opazno vroča na dotik, in nikoli ne sme postati tako vroča, da se je ne bi mogli dotakniti.
Če se vaša glavna enota tako segreje, da ne morete spremeniti niti glasnosti, ne da bi si opekli konice prstov, je to jasen znak, da nekaj ni v redu. Čim prej odklopite stereo in preverite priročnik za morebitne vzroke. V nekaterih primerih boste morda morali stereo napravo poslati v popravilo.
Vklop in izklop
Čeprav se dotik stereo enote morda zdi najpogostejši način, da ugotovite, ali se vaša glavna enota pregreva, običajno ni prvi simptom, s katerim se soočijo lastniki novih avtomobilov. Če imate kvaliteten radio priznane znamke, bo imel varnostno izklopno stikalo.
Če se enota iz katerega koli razloga pregreje, bo to varnostno stikalo popolnoma izklopilo stereo sistem. Ne boste ga mogli znova zagnati, tudi če ugasnete avto in ga znova zaženete, kar pomeni, da je to najboljši in najvarnejši način, da vidite, ali se vaše vozilo pregreva ali ne.
The stereo system manual will usually tell you that this is why the stereo worked fine for a while and then suddenly shut down.
Are Overheated Car Stereos dangerous?
Overheating car radios are one of the most dangerous parts you can find inside of your car. They can cause instant fires and not only while driving but also for vehicles parked in your garage. Car fires are some of the fastest and most intense types of fires you will ever experience.
There is one universal truth when it comes to the heat in the car, and the only part of the vehicle that should be extremely hot is the engine. Well, there is one more, and these are brakes, but we are talking here about car interior.
Every other part of the car should be warm or cold, depending on how you set the car’s air conditioning system.
When you are installing a new radio system, you may be wondering what is the worst thing that could happen to your car.
The easy and simple answer is that it will burn down, even when completely turned off. An overheating custom stereo system is one of the most common reasons cars are suddenly going aflame.

How do I prevent car radio from overheating?
When you have done all the testing and finally figured out that your car stereo is indeed overheating, you will want to find a way to stop it. There are many solutions to consider, and some of them are as simple as doing a few wiring problems, while others require a few days of work to make it correctly.
Knowing what each option is and how you can effectively implement them without a challenge will mean a lot less stress for you overall. These should be done starting with the most evident and important, moving down to the expensive and complicated.
Check Harness and Wiring
Any head unit’s wiring is the leading cause of them overheating, so when you get a used car with a modified stereo system or install your own stereo system, you should do it to the best degree possible. Before you start working in your vehicle, you should have the new stereo system in front of you, along with its instructions.
Reading these will tell you the thickness of the wires required and the voltages the unit will pull while working. Checking to see if your car’s wiring harness will handle these is vital to preventing damage later down the line.
If you are receiving a car with an already customized stereo system, you should remove the stereo system to check whether there is any wear and tear on the cabling harness. Usually, if there is some damage done to the wires, the insulation will have turned brittle or become discolored. Replacing wires that are damaged with stronger ones will mean you can comfortably keep using the stereo system.
Improve Venting
The other thing that is likely to cause heating to go out of control on your stereo system is improper heating. If you have a standard stereo system, then the mount in the car should already have the required venting holes to ensure it does not overheat. When the stereo system does require extra venting, creating them is not as complicated as you may think.
The mounting unit for stereo systems in all cars is a mix of plastic and metal. By removing some of the plastic, you can create extra passive ventilation.
The plastic you can cut easily by using a Dremel tool or a small metal saw. It will be a tight space to work in, but once the right ventilation holes have been created, your stereo system should work a lot better.
One of the most overlooked ways of creating more ventilation is tidying up the stereo system cables. Using zip ties and a few creative bends, you can ensure that the airflow for the entire dashboard is improved tenfold.
Both of these should be done if you ever suspect the stereo system needs a bit more air to breathe.
Cleaning Around the Stereo
To the surprise of many new car owners, the car’s inside can become surprisingly dirty if not cleaned properly. When you are checking on your stereo system or installing a new one, it is always good to do a bit of extra cleaning around the dash and clean the stereo.
Using compressed air and a soft brush will clean out all of the dust that can become accumulated in the nooks and crannies of your car. This simple addition to checking on everything in your vehicle will improve the car electronics’ overall performance.
The best part about this step is that it takes only a few minutes to complete and will help solve the venting problem. Some of the dustiest places on earth can be found in the nooks and crannies of the dashboard of any car.
Add Cooling Fans
An extreme way to keep your stereo system cooled is by installing a few basic computer fans into the dashboard. These fans are created to operate for hours on end without resting or needing to be maintained, and if you are unsure if the vents for the stereo will be sufficient enough, you can simply add these.
Computer fans have been the most popular way of fixing the overheating problem for stereos for a long time. This is because the car’s internal wiring provides the same voltage and amperage as those found in computers. Many larger stereo systems will already have some of these included or mounting locations for fans.
However, it should be noted that while computer fans can quickly help to prevent overheating for a stereo system that needs more venting, the fans can cause more problems. An exposed fan in such an enclosed area with cables can be hazardous. It should only be considered a solution if you are entirely comfortable with your car’s internal wiring.
Replace Stereo With the New One.
While venting, fans, cleaning, and new wiring are all ways of easy fixing your overheating stereo, sometimes they will do nothing other than prolong the inevitable. If the previous owner of your car installed a low-quality stereo system or you decided not to get a proper system, then it will eventually fail.
Stereo systems do not always have to go through diligent testing or requirements set out by the government. This means that when you buy a cheaper, budget stereo from an unknown brand, it could have several faults. These systems usually draw too much power, are not well cooled, and have a power draw that can kill your battery.
It may seem counterintuitive, but buying lower functionality, higher quality stereo systems from trusted manufacturers will mean years of saved headaches. A proper stereo system will have warranties, be quality assured tested, and adhere to several operational guidelines set out by governing bodies.
The fight to have a proper stereo system is a never-ending one, and ensuring that it works properly in your car is a simple series of steps that you need to follow. An overheating stereo system is one of the most dangerous things you could have in your vehicle. It’s better to drive around without sound if it is overheating.
Just be sure when you install the new stereo system that you connect the speakers correctly. Nothing says botched job like no sound from the right and scrambled squeaks from the left!