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Kako obiti parkirno zavoro v avtoradio Pioneer?

Ali se sprašujete, zakaj avtoradio Pioneer ne predvaja, ko vozite, ampak deluje brezhibno, ko parkirate avto?

Avtoradio Pioneer nikoli ni mišljeno, da bi motilo voznika, njegov glavni namen je zabavati potnike. Poleg tega številne vlade zaradi varnosti prepovedujejo namestitev DVD zaslonov spredaj.

Ampak, kako obiti ročno zavoro v avtoradiu Pioneer? Ugotovimo.

Če želite obiti parkirno zavoro, priključite zavorno žico na stereo ozemljitev. Ko je parkirna zavora zaobljena, si lahko med vožnjo ogledate video zaslon in upravljate avtoradio. Možna je tudi uporaba preklopnega stikala ali releja, ki bo opravljal isto delo.

Če še vedno želite izvedeti, kako obiti ročno zavoro v avtoradio pioneer, nadaljujte z branjem.

Kako parkirna zavora sproži Pioneer Car Stereo?

Če imate stereo napravo Pioneer, boste opazili dolgo zeleno žico, ki prihaja iz snopa. Ko je povezana s parkirnimi zavorami, bo žica poslala negativni signal radiu Pioneer.

Žico lahko ozemljite na ozemljitev ohišja ali kabelskega snopa in radio bo med vožnjo na voljo vse skrite funkcije, in ta metoda deluje za večino stereo sistemov JVC, Kenwood in Pioneer.

Kako obiti parkirno zavoro v avtoradio Pioneer?

Uveden je bil način parkirne zavore, ki voznikom preprečuje gledanje videoposnetkov med vožnjo. Pravilna metoda obhoda predvajalnika DVD se razlikuje od modela avtomobila in predvajalnika DVD do modela.

Spodaj je nekaj priljubljenih načinov, kako zaobiti predvajalnik DVD-jev in tako potnikom omogočiti gledanje videoposnetkov med vožnjo.

Ozemljitev glavne enote DVD predvajalnika

To je priljubljena metoda v večini starih avtomobilov in DVD-predvajalnikov, povezanih z zavornim sistemom.

Pri uporabi te metode lahko predvajalnik zazna, ali je parkirna zavora aktivirana, in prikaže video posnetke samo, ko je zavora aktivirana.

Če želite zaobiti tak DVD predvajalnik, boste morali glavno enoto odklopiti od zapornega sistema zavore in jo ozemljiti. Po tem morate žico povezati s črno ozemljitveno žico.

Metoda lahko deluje tudi na poprodajnih vrstah DVD-jev in pred začetkom ne pozabite izklopiti ključa za vžig.

#1. korak

Odstranite plastično obrobo okoli glavne enote s pravilnim orodjem za odstranjevanje.

Ko sprostite pritrdilno točko okraskov, odstranite radio iz reže din in ga potegnite stran od armaturne plošče.

#2. korak

Ko radio odstranite iz armaturne plošče, vzemite črno 12-voltno ozemljitveno žico in svetlo zeleno žico parkirne zavore na zadnji strani glavne enote.

Če niste prepričani, si oglejte uporabniški priročnik za predvajalnik DVD, da boste lažje prepoznali ročno zavoro in ozemljitvene žice.

#3. korak

Odklopite žico parkirne zavore iz blokirnega sistema ali razmislite o tem, da bi jo odrezali na sredini dolžine.

Nato ovijte preostali konec z električnim trakom. Če želite razkriti konce, boste morali odstraniti konec žice parkirne zavore, ki prihaja iz glavne enote.

Vzemite ozemljitveno žico, ki povezuje glavno enoto DVD predvajalnika s šasijo avtomobila, in jo odrežite do polovice. Odstranite oba konca ozemljitvene žice. Prepričajte se, da ste odstranili izolacijo s treh koncev, tako da ostane ¼ do ½ palca žic izpostavljenih.

#4. korak

Spojite izpostavljene konce žice s trdnim trakom, tako da med njimi ni vrzeli, in nanesite dodatno plast okoli vsake priključne točke.

#5. korak

Ko varno namestite glavno enoto avtomobila, jo trdno namestite z vijaki, ki ste jih odstranili v 2. koraku.

Nato namestite eno stran plastičnih obrob (posamezno) in namestite drugo stran, preden zaženete vozilo. Če gre vse po načrtu, bi to moralo delovati!

Nekateri najnovejši predvajalniki DVD lahko zaznajo vdor in za nekaj časa ustavijo predvajanje videoposnetkov. Če je radio deloval po obhodu in ustavitvi, je to morda težava.

Za dobro delovanje obvoda mora glavna enota zaznati tla, preden se vklopi. Težavo bi moralo rešiti odklop žice ročne zavore in ponovna priključitev zavore na ozemljitveno žico.

Uporaba preklopnega stikala za obhod DVD predvajalnika

Če vam zgornji način ni všeč in je vaš DVD-predvajalnik starejši, lahko razmislite o uporabi preklopnega stikala, da obvozite predvajalnik med vožnjo.

Sledite korakom od 1 do 3 zgornje metode, da razkrijete prave žice.

After that, connect one end of the toggle switch to the parking brake wire from the head unit and the other end to two ground wires.

You can now replace the stereo player, trim cover, and secure them in place, ensuring the toggle switch is accessible and exposed.

To play a video while driving, flick the toggle switch off, start your car and drive before flicking the switch back on.

Using Relay to Bypass Parking Brake

The grounding tricks I have shown in previous methods work on older DVD players but are not effective for newer Pioneer models.

For the new DVD players, you will have to install a relay to help bypass the parking brake.

Before you start, you will have to get the right relay switch and follow the steps below to install a relay switch to enable you to bypass the DVD player when driving.

#Step 1

Cut the remote signal wire connecting the amplifier and connect it to the relay’s power pin (pin 86). Next, run a ground wire from one side of the coil (pin 85). All ground connections can be wired to the car chassis.

#Step 2

Take another ground wire and run it from the open contact.

#Step 3

Connect pink or green parking brake wire that comes from the head unit to pin 30 on the relay switch. The connection type will remain an open circuit until such a time when the DVD player will be powered.

After the unit has been powered on, it will check the parking brake wire first and, after that, engage the remote power after booting to completion. Next, it will power the amp on and trip the relay switch.

When tripped, the relay switch will throw ground onto the parking brake wire. The DVD player will bypass the parking brake sensor whenever it is turned on.

Can I Watch Movies in My Car While Driving?

There’s no simple answer to this question – it depends on a number of factors, including the laws in your state and the type of vehicle you’re driving.

I would advise against watching movies in your car while driving, as it can be a distraction from the road and cause an accident.

If you live in a state with strict distracted driving laws, then watching a movie in your car while driving is likely to be illegal. Even if you’re not breaking any laws, watching movies while driving is still not a good idea.

Movies require your full attention, and taking your eyes off the road, even for a few seconds, can be dangerous.

If you’re going on a long road trip and want to watch a movie, I recommend pulling over to a rest area or parking lot and taking a break. That way, you can give your full attention to the movie without worrying about distracted driving.


Although you can use different methods to help prevent the driver from watching video on a DVD player whenever they are driving, a parking brake connection is the most popular.

One can bypass the connection between the DVD player and the car’s brake interlock system. The proper procedure of bypassing parking brake connecting varies from one DVD player model to another.

I hope you can now bypass the parking brake in the pioneer car stereo, but you still should not use it while driving.


What Colour Is the Parking Brake Wire on a Pioneer Radio?

The standard colour of the parking brake wire on a Pioneer radio is light green. When the green wire is grounded, it will open up some currently unavailable stereo functionality.

You can test this by touching the green wire to the chassis and watching some stereo buttons fade in and out.

How Does the Parking Brake Sensor Work?

The parking brake sensor turns on whenever you pull the parking brake handle, warning you the brake is engaged whenever you are starting the car.

How Does the Parking Brake Switch Function?

You have to notice only one wire comes out of the switch. The switch is grounded directly to the car chassis hence there is no need for any ground wire.

Whenever the hand brake is down, it will push on a little black pin that will complete the circuit, grounding the black/red wire.

The black/red wire will always be at 0V whenever the handbrake is down. However, when the hand brake is up, the black/red wire will be at 12 V constant.

What Is the High Low High Signal Needed by Pioneer?

Grounding green wire is all that is needed to do to get the stereo to work well. However, despite this working in some situations, it will fail to offer high low and high signals whenever required, thereby disabling some stereo functionality.

In certain situations, when starting the stereo, Pioneer will always prompt that you will have to pull the hand brake upwards, downwards, then upwards again to comfortably use the feature.

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