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Kako dolgo zdržijo domači sprejemniki?

Ko gre za tehnologijo domačega kina, si vsi želimo kar najbolje izkoristiti, da bi upravičili ceno. Veliko ljudi me je vprašalo:"Kako dolgo zdržijo domači sprejemniki?" ker je to lahko drag del tehnologije za zamenjavo. Odločil sem se opraviti nekaj raziskav, da bi prišel do dokončnega odgovora.

Kako dolgo torej zdržijo domači sprejemniki? Domači sprejemniki lahko teoretično zdržijo 30-40 let glede na kakovost strojne opreme. Vendar pa je zaradi hitrega napredka tehnologije domačega kina običajna življenjska doba domačega sprejemnika približno 5 let. Če bi načrtovali nakup, bi lahko vaš domači sprejemnik zdržal 10 let.

Čeprav lahko domači sprejemnik v bistvu zdrži tako dolgo, kot želite, obstaja veliko razlogov, zakaj bi morda želeli zamenjati svoj stari domači sprejemnik. V tem članku preučujem, kako dolgo trajajo domači sprejemniki, skupaj s tem, kdaj bi morda želeli razmisliti o nakupu novega.

Preberite:Kaj počne sprejemnik v domačem kinu, da bolje razumete njegovo funkcionalnost.

Življenjska doba domačih sprejemnikov

Vsakdo, ki pozna delovanje hišnega kina, bo vedel, da je sprejemnik osrednje središče vse vaše opreme. To bo mesto vseh povezav in je tisto, kar uporabljate za priklop vaše medijske naprave na sisteme zvočnikov in naprave za gledanje. Zato je verjetno najpomembnejši kos kompleta, ki ga imate.

Poznam ljudi, ki za poslušanje glasbe še vedno uporabljajo domače sprejemnike, ki so jih kupili v 70. in 80. letih, kar kaže, kako dolgo lahko zdržijo, če zanje pravilno skrbimo. Vendar je ta situacija nekoliko anomalija, ker ti ljudje še vedno uporabljajo gramofone in vinilke, kar se prav tako ni spremenilo v zadnjih 40 letih.

Če takrat začne tehnologija odpovedovati, lahko vaš domači sprejemnik ob pravilni negi zdrži desetletja. Eden najboljših načinov, da to zagotovite, je nakup sprejemnika dobre kakovosti.

Če pa življenjsko dobo sprejemnika temeljite na njegovi zmožnosti, da sledi tehnološkemu napredku, potem gledate na veliko krajše časovno obdobje. Poštena ocena, kako hitro tehnologija napreduje, je približno 4-5 let. Poglejte na primer prehod med HD in 4K, ki traja že nekaj let.

Zato je verjetno največji dejavnik v smislu življenjske dobe sprejemnika njegova združljivost z obstoječimi in nastajajočimi tehnologijami. Če vse vaše naprave uporabljajo standardni HD, bi morali biti zajeti še nekaj let.

Če razmišljate o uvedbi tehnologije 4K v svoj domači kino, je to lahko razlog, zakaj morate nadgraditi svoj domači sprejemnik. Z vse večjo priljubljenostjo formatov, kot sta HDMI 2.0a in HDCP 2.2, začenjamo dosegati točko prekinitve.

Pomislite na to kot na prehod s SCART-a na HDMI, saj je to v bistvu enaka vrsta nadgradnje. Ne bi pričakovali, da bodo vaši kabli HMDI delovali v napravi SCART, in enako v bistvu velja za nove oblike HD.

Torej, na kratko, verjetno lahko pričakujete, da boste svoj domači sprejemnik uporabljali približno 4-5 let. Če kupujete pametno in začnete z vrhunsko opremo, potem lahko to verjetno še nekoliko podaljšate.

Na kaj morate biti pozorni pri nakupu novega domačega sprejemnika

Preden nadaljujete, si oglejte moje najboljše izbire sprejemnikov za domači kino. Preizkušeni so bili v običajnih domovih, zato so ocene bolj realistične od tistih, ki jih najdete na velikih spletnih mestih.

Če ste se odločili, da vaš stari domači kino začenja zaostajati, je morda dobra ideja, da kupite novega. Zdaj je verjetno pravi čas za to, ker se je v zadnjem času pojavilo več novih tehnologij, ki se začenjajo pojavljati v cenovno dostopnejših izdelkih.

Podobno se cena tehnologije 4K začenja zniževati. Morda bi bilo vredno poskusiti izkoristiti to prehodno obdobje, saj lahko imate sprejemnik, ki je pripravljen na prihodnost, vendar še vedno deluje z vašo trenutno tehnologijo. Tukaj je nekaj stvari, na katere morate biti pozorni pri nakupu novega domačega sprejemnika.

  • This is probably the most obvious thing, but pay attention to the receiver’s connections. Most good quality models should come with at least 1 HDMI input and output, which is designed for 4K.
  • On the same note, make sure the receiver is well equipped to handle your current range of HD technology. This will probably require at least one normal HDMI input, but it could need more.
  • Automatic speaker setup. Many of the higher end home receivers have automatic speaker setup, which can save loads of time. While this isn’t a must, it can be a big help.
  • 3D compatibility. If you’re interested in 3D media, then make sure your new home receiver has a HDMI 1.4a connection.
  • Bluetooth/wireless capabilities. Another popular technology is Bluetooth connectivity, which will allow you to play media from your phone/mobile device on your home theater setup.
  • Hires audio. Hi-res audio is growing in popularity and is definitely something to look out for in your receiver. Normal mp3 music is considered low quality, so this is basically HD music.
  • Video upscaling . If you’re investing in future technology, then video upscaling is a must. While this doesn’t physically improve the quality of the media (you can’t make 720p into 4K), it definitely improves the image quality massively.

While many of these features will only be found on higher end models, this is the bracket I’d recommend looking in if you’re upgrading your home receiver. As you can see, they don’t have a brilliant lifespan, so it’s definitely better to invest a bit more money now so that the receiver lasts a bit longer.

Probably the most important factor is making sure you’ve got the right connections for your current technology and any future developments. 4K seems to be the way forwards and will soon become the standard for at-home viewing. Therefore, making sure your receiver has 4K compatibility is probably the most important thing.

Signs you need to upgrade your home receiver

As I mentioned, home receivers can basically last as long as you want them to. However, there are plenty of signs that indicate you might need to trade in your old home receiver for a brand new one. Here are the biggest signs that you need to make the jump to some new tech.

  1. You don’t have enough connections

Even if you’re not thinking of making the jump to 4K technology just yet, it’s entirely possible to run out of the right kind of connections for your current equipment. For example, if you bought a home receiver when HD technology was becoming popular, you may only have 1 or 2 HDMI inputs.

You could solve this problem with a switcher, but it can also be a sign for upgrading to a new home receiver. Seeing as HD is the standard now, it’s not uncommon for receiver to have 3 or 4 slots, which would cover you for most media devices in your home theater.

  1. You want better sound

There have been a range of advances in sound technology over recent years that are definitely worth taking advantage of. As I mentioned earlier, many home receivers have automatic setup and calibration, and many will also include different listening modes to get the most out of your speakers.

Also, there are the developments in surround sound formatting, such as Dolby Atmos an DTS:X. These are the cutting-edge in immersive surround sound experience and are definitely worth investing in if you’re a fan of your speakers. What’s more, Dolby Atmos generally comes as standard on receivers supporting 7 channels or more.

  1. Advanced network capabilities

Another feature worth upgrading for is the improved network connectivity features found on modern home receivers. These allow you to connect to music streaming services like Spotify directly from your receiver. You can also use this feature to take advantage of things like Apple AirPlay too.

  1. You want more remote control features

Along with the obvious reasons for upgrading are the less obvious ones. Being able to use your phone or mobile device as a remote control is one of these less obvious reasons. However, it’s surprisingly helpful.

While most home receivers will come with a remote control, those that support mobile remotes allow you to access all of the receiver’s functions from a single interface. This makes fiddling with your sound and picture settings a complete breeze. Having this option gives you much greater control over your options.

Some final thoughts

High quality receivers are built to last, but unfortunately this doesn’t stand up to the advances in technology. While you could expect a high quality receiver to last over 10 years, you’ll find you need to replace it after about 4. However, now is probably the best time to do this so you can take advantage of the crossover in technologies. Hopefully this will allow you to keep your new receiver around for a good few years.

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