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Kako povezati kontrole na volanu s Pioneer stereom?

Če želite svojemu stereo sistemu Pioneer dodati kontrole na volanu, obstajajo dobre in slabe novice. Na žalost je slaba novica ta, da niso vsi Pioneer stereo sistemi opremljeni za povezavo s krmilnimi elementi na volanu.

Dobra novica je, da če je vaš Pioneer stereo opremljen z ustreznimi povezavami, je razmeroma preprost postopek, da vse nastavite in deluje pravilno.

Torej, kako povezati Pioneer stereo s krmilniki na volanu? Ugotovimo.

Povezava avtoradia Pioneer s krmilnimi elementi na volanu zahteva naslednje korake:

1. Najprej morate preveriti, ali je vaš Pioneer stereo opremljen z ustreznimi priključki za krmiljenje na volanu. Če ne, boste morali kupiti adapter, ki vam bo omogočil povezavo obeh.

2. Ko boste imeli ustrezen adapter, ga boste morali priključiti na zadnjo stran stereo naprave Pioneer.

3. Nato priključite drugi konec adapterja na krmilno enoto na volanu.

4. Zdaj morate programirati adapter, da prepozna Pioneer stereo. To običajno storite tako, da sledite nizu preprostih navodil, ki so priložena adapterju.

#5. Ko je adapter programiran, bi morali biti pripravljeni! Preizkusite vse, preden se odpravite na pot.

V spodnjem članku bom podrobneje razložil posebne izdelke, ki jih boste potrebovali za povezavo Pioneerjevega stereo sistema s krmilnimi elementi na volanu, in postopek po korakih, da vse nastavite in pravilno deluje.

Kako delujejo krmilniki radia na volanu?

Komande radia na volanu so odličen način za upravljanje avtoradio sistema, ne da bi umaknili roke z volana. Toda kako delujejo?

Kontrole radia na volanu delujejo tako, da pošiljajo signale z gumbov na volanu v stereo sistem, ki vam omogoča, da se osredotočite na cesto, ne da bi morali umakniti roke z volana.

Če na primer pritisnete gumb za iskanje na volanu, bo sprejemnik stereo napravi poslal signal in mu rekel, naj spremeni postajo.

Podobno, če pritisnete gumb za povečanje glasnosti, bo sprejemnik poslal signal za povečanje glasnosti.

Nekaj ​​različnih vrst vmesnikov je mogoče uporabiti za povezavo Pioneerjevega stereo s krmilniki na volanu, vendar je najbolj priljubljen PAC SWI-RC (povezava do Amazona).

PAC SWI-RC je vmesnik, ki se neposredno poveže s Pioneerjevim stereo sistemom in vam omogoča, da ga upravljate s kontrolami na volanu. To je razmeroma enostavna namestitev in zahteva le nekaj povezav.

Zakaj bi morali krmilnike na volanu povezati s Pioneerjevim stereo sistemom?

Obstaja nekaj razlogov, zakaj bi morda želeli povezati krmilnike na volanu s stereo napravo Pioneer.

  • Prvi razlog je varnost. Kontrole na volanu vam omogočajo upravljanje stereo naprave, ne da bi umaknili roke z volana, kar lahko pomaga, če se poskušate osredotočiti na cesto.
  • Drugi razlog je udobje. Kontrole na volanu vam omogočajo spreminjanje glasnosti, preskakovanje skladb in celo sprejemanje telefonskih klicev, ne da bi umaknili roke z volana.
  • Končno vam lahko tudi kontrole na volanu pomagajo preprečiti obrabo vašega stereo sistema Pioneer. Če nenehno umikate roke z volana, da spremenite glasnost ali preskočite skladbe, boste sčasoma poškodovali gumbe na stereo napravi. Toda če imate krmilne elemente na volanu, se lahko izognete vsej tej obrabi.

Kako povezati kontrole na volanu s Pioneerjevim stereo sistemom?

Zdaj, ko smo preučili, zakaj bi morda želeli povezati krmilnike na volanu s stereo napravo Pioneer, se pogovorimo o tem, kako to storiti.

Kot sem že omenil, boste potrebovali dve glavni stvari za povezavo Pioneerjevega stereo sistema s krmilnimi elementi na volanu:vmesnik in adapter.

Za povezavo Pioneer stereo naprave s krmilnimi elementi na volanu sledite spodnjim korakom:

1. Začnite tako, da odklopite negativni pol akumulatorja, da preprečite morebitne nesreče.

2. Next, locate the pioneer stereo in your dash and remove it from the dash.

3. Once the pioneer stereo is removed from the dash, you’ll need to locate the wires that connect it to the vehicle. These are usually located behind the pioneer stereo.

4. Locate the interface with your steering wheel control kit and plug it into the pioneer stereo.

#5. Take the adapter with your steering wheel control kit and plug it into the interface.

#6. Finally, reconnect the negative battery terminal and test out your new steering wheel controls!

And that’s it! Once you’ve done all of that, you should connect your pioneer stereo to the steering wheel controls and be ready to go.

If you’re having trouble getting everything set up, there are a few things you can try.

  • First, make sure that all of the connections are tight and secure. Loose connections can sometimes cause problems.
  • Another thing you can try is resetting your pioneer stereo. To do this, unplug the stereo from the adapter and then plug it back in again. This will often fix other issues.
  • Finally, if you’re still having trouble, you can try contacting Pioneer customer service. They should be able to help you troubleshoot the issue and get everything up and running.

The Benefits of Having Steering Wheel Controls in Your Car

There are many benefits of having steering wheel controls in your car.

  • The most apparent benefit is safety. When you have steering wheel controls, you can keep your hands on the wheel and your eyes on the road, which is a great way to avoid accidents.
  • Another benefit of steering wheel controls is convenience. You can change the music, answer phone calls, and adjust the volume without ever taking your hands off the wheel with steering wheel controls. This can be a massive help if you’re trying to multi-task while driving.
  • Finally, steering wheel controls can also help you avoid wear and tear on your Pioneer stereo. If you’re constantly taking your hands off the wheel to change the volume or skip tracks, you’re eventually going to damage the buttons on your stereo.

But if you have steering wheel controls, you can avoid all that wear and tear.

Now that we’ve gone over the benefits of having steering wheel controls let’s talk about how to connect them to your Pioneer stereo.

How Do I Get My Steering Wheel Controls to Work With Any Aftermarket Stereo?

There are a few different ways to do this, but the most common way is to use an adapter.

An adapter will allow you to keep your factory steering wheel controls and use them with your aftermarket stereo.

The first thing you’ll need to do is purchase an adapter compatible with your vehicle.

Once you have the adapter, follow the instructions that come with it to wire it into your stereo.

And that’s it! Once the adapter is wired in, your steering wheel controls should work just like they did with your factory stereo.

How Do I Connect Steering Wheel Remotes to the Pioneer Car Stereo?

Pioneer offers a few different models of car stereos that are compatible with steering wheel remotes.

If you have a Pioneer car stereo that is compatible with steering wheel remotes, the first thing you’ll need to do is purchase a remote control. The most popular remote for the steering wheel is the pioneer CD-SR100 (link to Amazon).

Once you have the remote control, follow the instructions that come with it to wire it into your stereo.

And that’s it! Once the remote is wired in, your steering wheel controls should work just like they did with your factory stereo.

Which Pioneer Car Stereo Can I Connect to the Steering Wheel Interface?

Simply having a Pioneer stereo is not the answer to successful connectivity.

Although all Double-DIN units can be connected to the steering wheel controls, it is not the same for Single-DIN units.

If you have a model in the 700 series or higher, you are in luck because all models in the 700, 800 and 900 series have the steering wheel function and do not require an interface to be installed.

For example, if you have a DEH2750-MP, DEH2850-MP or the DEH2950-MP, your connection will work. The same goes with the MVH and AVH models, but if you have the 600 series, unfortunately, you cannot make the connection work.

You can identify your series by looking at the second number of your model name.


As you can see, there are a few different ways to connect your steering wheel controls to your Pioneer stereo if it is not equipped with such a connection in the first place.

The most important thing is to make sure you have a suitable adapter for your vehicle.

Once you have the adapter, follow the instructions that come with it to wire it into your stereo.

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